Chapter 2-Leo

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Leo's POV:

All you need to know: hat lady is incredibly annoying. That's it, okay.

She opens the car door and lowers to my level, trying to get my attention.

So naturally, I suddenly find my hands very interesting.

"We're trying to help you, Valdez."

I totally haven't heard this lecture, like, a hundred times.

"We're all on your side, stop treating us like the enemy. There is no enemy here."

Okay. Great inspirational speech, coach.

"Now please don't make this difficult, and get out of the car." I can hear the lack of patience in her voice.

"Okay can you take a step back so I can breathe."

She gets up, stretches her legs, and nods to the two police dudes.

I get out and they walk on either side of me as we go up to the house. It looks clean. Nice, I guess.

The hat lady, whose name doesn't matter, hums as she walks behind me. It's like I have bodyguards surrounding me.

When we finally get to the front of the red door the lady walks ahead of us and rings the door bell, which makes a slow, old fashion 'ding dong'.

A young girl, 11 maybe 10, opens the door.

Her eyes widen as if remembering something.

"Oh yeah. Hi... Can you just hold on, for just a second." She says quickly.

Then she slams the door closed in our faces I can't help but smile.

"Wrong house, let's go!" I cheerfully express to lady with ugly hat.

She looks annoyed and lifts her hand to knock again when a woman opens the door and disgustingly styled hat lady says, "Hello this is Leo Valdez, you're expecting him. I'm sure this is the right house, correct me if I'm wrong."

"Oh goodness, yes you are at the right place. I apologize for my daughter, she got excited and forgot her manners."

I see the girl step into view from behind her mom and mouth 'sorry' at me.

I shrug and look away seemingly more interested at the color choice of the door.

I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't even be with dumb hat lady.

I should be on my own right now.

I don't care if I'm nice to them, who's ever been nice to me? Whatever it doesn't matter. I'm not staying for long. Keep moving, that's my motto. 

I tear my gaze off the door and onto the woman standing in front of me.

"Please," the woman says, "Come in." She opens the door wider to let us through.

Hat lady nods to the police guys and they walk back to the car. But not inside the car, they wait outside it in case I manage to run out of the house.

I remember when I did that. Wasn't even trying to run away that time, just the lool on their faces.. priceless.

This is all a routine I've practically memorized.

Rude hat lady puts her hands on my shoulders, and I tense up. She knows I hate it when people touch me, but she does it so I don't run past her.

Which is dumb because I would never do the same thing twice.

She nudges me inside, her hands still on my shoulders, and leads me following behind the woman who has just entered what is probably the living room.

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