Chapter.12: third task.the beginning of the end

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A/n: B= yelling = letters, talking through minds and parseltongue

He is back, He is back, BEWARE Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort is back, but this time he has his queen by his side, together they will ruin you and make the wizarding world a better place~ 


the next day after the yule ball, it was the day of the final task, everyone was excited apart from the four champions. since it was the last task, the four champion parents came, Viktor's parents, fleur's, and Cedric's father. everyone enjoyed themself and fleur and Viktor's parents gave their congratulation to Harriet. since Harriet's parents are dead, she asks Sirius to be there for her and everything was going well until a loud noise came outside the great hall, everyone turned their attention to the noise and it was molly and Arthur.

Harriet was the first to break the silence" what are you two doing here, I'm pretty sure this event is for parent and guardian only?"ron and ginny ran up and hugged their parents. after their little reunion, molly spoke up"we came here for you Harriet we are your guardian!"

Harriet: listen here molly, you are not my mother, so stop trying I despise you, your husband, your son ron, and daughter ginny so pls go back to your house.

Ron: Harriet how dare your talk to my mother like that, after all, she did for you!

ginny: she deserves your respect you brat

Harriet: what do you mean ron, all I remember is her stealing my money and putting potion in my food, the list goes on! so molly pls take your puppet of a husband and leave or your blood will be on the ground!

molly and her husband left, and ron try to hex Harriet but the spell backfired and he landed on of the table of the great hall. everyone else went back to enjoy the event as if nothing happen.

soon it was night and the four champions and everyone else was at the maze. since Viktor won the second task he went first, then was fleur, next was Cedric and last was Harriet. Harriet called dobby and he shows her the way. all three champions knew what was going to happen, the plan was for both of them to fail the task and Harriet will carry on.

the plan went perfectly both fleur and Viktor succeed on their part. now Harriet was walking until she stops where the cup was, and she had a smirk on her face because Cedric was there at the same time. Harriet was about to run and grab the cup but Cedric stop and said he wanted to apologize for the way he has been behaving and for all the rude things he said, and Harriet said it was okay. they send a warm smile to each other and grab the cup together while saying "let's win this for Hogwarts".

both champions grabbed the cup and appeared in a graveyard"where are we?" said Cedric while pulling out his wand"oh you will find out soon Cedric"Harriet whispers with a smirk on her face, as if that was a sign, peter Pettigrew came from behind the trees and bow on his knees while saying "my lady".cedric was shooked, why was a death eater kneeling in front of them.

harriet: peter where is he?

Tom: here I am 

tom came from behind the trees and Harriet walked over and gave him a passionate kiss, while Cedric stood there hooked." you are a traitor Harriet, he is the man that tried to kill you and everyone else" said Cedric. Harriet look toward him and pointed her wand at him." oh Cedric you have no idea what going to happen to the future and it's too bad you are not going to live long enough to see it".

Tom: what my queen means is that you are about to die Diggory.


Cedric wasn't able to finish the sentence when Harriet said the curse"Avada kedavra" Harriet had an evil smirk on her face as she kissed tom again, she summoned the cup and started fake crying and just like that she appeared in front of everyone saying "he is back, he is back".

everyone was shocked by seeing Cedric's dead body and Harriet crying while saying he is back, soon Dumbledore came and place his wand on Harriet's head, and after removing it had a white light at the tip. with a wave of the wand the memory of a few minutes ago started playing. everyone was looking at the memory and were seeing everything that was happening, everyone's expression turn into a shock after watching the memory.

MR.Diggory: You killed my son how could you?

Harriet: pls he was a pain in the ass, and his death was a waste of time honestly.

Ron: and you joined the dark side??

ginny: and you are with the dark lord, Harriet what is wrong with you?

Harriet: oh just you wait, oh my loyal follower I think it is time we reveal ourselves

and just with that sentence the twins, Neville,mione, luna, Draco, pansy, and Blaise all of them stood up from the group and stood proudly next to Harriet!

Ron: you traitors

Harriet: here is my little message for you albus Dumbledore, your end coming very soon!

and with that, all of them appeared away. everyone was left with questions, what would make the girl who lived join the dark side, and Dumbledore was shaking, his plans are crumbling, his weapon, the key to his fame and fortune, everything he works so hard away, everything was going wrong. he needed a plan and fast. meanwhile, Sirius, Viktor, and fleur appeared away with their parents.

                  ~ what is the truth and what is the lie, why is the girl who lived on the dark side, who is the real Albus Dumbledore~

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