Chapter 9: second task, a mother's treasure

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A/n: B= yelling = letters, talking through minds and parseltongue

previously: Harriet: save me? oh please I'm the one that has been doing the saving every since I join this school, every single year, I risked my life to stop the dark lord from coming back, you know I don't need saving, you, the wizard word need my saving, without me, Voldemort would make all of your life hell, without me, Dumbledore and his army of phoenix wouldn't stand a chance against the dark lord and his army of death eaters. so be grateful, because I can sit on my ass and watch the dark lord kill all of you and not stop him. so stop saying shit like that and SIT YOUR ASS DOWN RON!

~ A mother's treasure is her kids~


the great hall was quiet, too quiet but the silence was soon replaced by whispers, some were how the girl who lived who just sit and not cared if the dark lord comes back and started the war and some were about how they should be grateful to Harriet. ron sat down because he was embarrassed and had nothing else to say. Harriet sat down and started eating.

after dinner, everyone went to their dorms, and Harriet and the other three went to the room of requirement and started talking about the second task, they were able to figure out what to do with the eggs and they understood that the next task will be underwater, where they would have an hour to save one the person they treasure the most, for Viktor, it would have been fleur or Harriet but their both in the tournament so it would be Hermione, for fleur it was going to be her little sister, and for Harriet, they didn't who it was going to be. after that they went to bed.

the next day everyone was gathered by the lake where the second task will be held, judges, teachers, and students. soon the four champions came on the stand and the first one was Viktor and he jumped into the water soon as he hear the gunshot, he was a shark, next was fleur she was a dolphin, next was Cedric he was a fish type of thing. and Harriet was a mermaid.

about ten minutes later Viktor came out of the water with Hermione in his hands, after him was fleur with her little sis and she was mad, she knew it would be her sister but dumbeldore is heartless for putting a 7 years old girl underwater just for a stupid task. next was Cedric and he saved Cho chang his supposed girlfriend. there were 20 minutes left on the clock. meanwhile, Harriet finally arrived at where the person she was supposed to save was held, but she was shocked when she saw it was the twins that she adopted back in the muggle world.


it was summer and Harriet just finished her fourth year at Hogwarts, she came back to the muggle world, and finally, after all the chores she had to do she was allowed to go outside, now Harriet was walking around in the muggle word park, that when she spotted two kids who were twins that were running and were covered in blood. Harriet ran toward them and ask if they were ok, the kids said no and that they were running away from some kids, Harriet ask them why, but the kids became quiet and Harriet understood what was happening.

Harriet sat on the ground and ask the kids if they wanted a hug, the twins ran into her arms after a few minutes the kids were able to calm down, and Harriet started talking  " back where you did weird things happen to you two like when your angry or sad? "  the two kids were shocked and nodded their head.

???: weird things do happen to us and back at the orphanage everyone calls us devils...

Harriet: well those people don't know anything, those weird things that happen to you are magic.

???: magic is real?

Harriet: yes it is and I can prove it to you 

after Harriet said that, she looked around and when she saw that nobody was around she made a flower and put it on the girl's head, both kids were smiling, they finally found someone like them. the twin's names were Ella and Emma, apparently, their parents left them at the orphanage after Harriet brought the twins back to the orphanage but she adopted them and threatened the lady that they will stay until she was ready to come to get them and no one was allowed to touch them or they are going to die. from that the day on Harriet comes to visit the kids and tell them stories about the wizard word and that they will be able to come after the war.

 from that the day on Harriet comes to visit the kids and tell them stories about the wizard word and that they will be able to come after the war

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A/N: Emma has blue eyes and Ella has green eyes.

Flashback over

now Harriet was angry dumbeldore was crazy, how did he even know about the two girls. five minutes later Harriet came to the surface with her kids in her hand. while the kids were being dried up by Hermione, Harriet stormed over to Dumbledore and aimed her wand at him " you selfish bastard, just because of your stupid task you kidnapped my kids who never stood foot in the wizarding world, and risk their lives, what stopping me from ending you right here right now professor"

Dumbledore: it was for the task Harriet!

Harriet: I don't give a damn about the task, no one and I mean no one is allowed to touch my girls,

Harriet went back to her kids and hugged them and carry them, but before she left she said to Dumbledore to watch his back cause she isn't his precious golden girl no more.

To be continued

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