Chapter 3: minister fugde death

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A/n: B= yelling = letters, talking through minds and parseltongue

Previously:it might seem wrong but got it felt good for Harriet to get her revenge! in the end, she got tired of them so she just uses the killing curse and burned their bodies alive in the backyards!

... after that she went back into the house , took a shower and went to bed , and for the first time in forever she slept peacefully , she didn't care that she killed her so called family , after all that was only the beginning of her revenge, and the main dish will be albus dumbldore dowfall! 

the next day  harriet woke up and got ready , she was downstairs making breakfast for herself when the door bell ring! she went to open it and it was hermione ,with her shrink trunk in hand! " oh hey mione what are you doing here"

" hello can I come in harriet" 


Harriet let hermione in  and they went to the kitchen where harriet was before, harriet ask hermione what she was doing here, mione told her that she wasn't going to live with her parents anymore!

the reason hermione didn't want to live with her parents anymore was that Dumbledore was controlling her parents , so she obliviated her parent this morning so that she would be free, and maybe her parent wont get involve in the war that coming! 

Harriet understood mione feelings and both of them decided to go live in the wizard word  with their loved ones,because that was the safest place right now and they weren't going to have any problem lucuis and narcissa  accepted mione and well harriet was going to be with her mate!

harriet and mione ate breakfast together while harriet was telling her of how she killed her family yesterday, mione diditn even feel bad for them! she though it was great  that they were dead after all they did to harriet since she was a child. 

Both of them finished breakfast and they were packing harriet stuff in her trunk when an owl came in through the window, both girls immideatly recognized the owl and it belong to ron! harriet took the letter form the owl and they both check the letter and it had trust charm,obedience charm, compultion charm, love charm  and other! they removed the spell and started reading the letter 

                                       Dear harriet

we are so sorry we couldn't come get you this summer to go stay at the bureau , they family and I went to romenia to visit charlie  fred and George didn't come tho they are busy with their shop, I wish we could have spent the summer together but don't worry we will see you at hogwarts.  r                                                                            ron weasley

the two girls were laughing after reading the letter , ron really though they would belive that they went to romenia, they knew Dumbledore told ron to send the letter . harriet rip the paper and threw it the fire place and they finish packing! 

since harriet could shadow teleport she drop hermione off  at the malfoy manor and she appeared in the riddle manor , where see was tom working on some people and he looked stress out, and tom diditn even notice her! so she puted her things down  and walked up to tom and started rubing his shoulder! " you know you can't end Dumbledore while looking so stressful  and tired tom"

Tom was surprised but soon leaned in her touch " well I'm sorry I was just working on some stupid papers"  

harriet moved form her spot behind tom and sat on his lap with her hands around his neck , they kept looking into each other eyes , and without hesitation tom kissed her lips ,harriet leen in the kiss , and they both stopped when they needed to breath and had a smile on their faces! harriet puted her head on tom's shoulder while tom chucked a little and went back to work! 

they spend half of the day in tom office talking while tom work and finally it was the afternoon and tom had a meeting! harriet followed tom hands in hands with him and they arrive in the meeting room where all the death eathers were there.

as soon as they walked in , all eyes were on harriet and most of the death eater were smiling knowing there lord finally have his queen!. harriet also felt that there was a light magic core in the room and she knew one person didn't belong there! but she didn't say anything yet.

" as you all can see I  finally found my queen and Dumbledore no longer have control over her"

all of the death eathers were shouting welcome and stuff like toward harriet while she had a smile on her face, but she notice that one person wasn't doing it , and the person was shaking , so she told tom in parsetounge

" tom there is a light spy here " harriet said while pointing toward the guy who was  shaking!

" yeah I know , I saw it when we came in the room"

Tom called the man and told him to come forward , the shaking man did and got on his knees, tom asking him to remove the mask and the person hesitated  but he did , the death eater were shocked to see it was the minister himself fugde. 

tom and harriet ask if Dumbledore send him , and he said yes!, and fudge made a wrong move when he called harriet a traitor and a slut , tom lost it and threw a cruse more powerful then curcios .

 fudge was yelling and bleeding out of his ears and eyes , the pain was too much for him to handle and harriet had a smirk on her face she was enyoing this too much! , and the end fugde died in pain and in a pool of his own blood! tom order some of his death eaters to go dump the body in the ministry! 

                                " be warned albus Dumbledore your end is coming very very soon"

                                        to be continued!

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