chapter 2: forgive each other and torture.

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A/n: B= yelling = letters, talking through minds and parseltongue

Previously: Harriet did but she put them under a sleeping spell and tied them up .she created an illusion of them acting normal and left to go see her best friend.

...Harriet left the house and started walking to Hermione's granger her muggle-born friend's house. a few minutes later Harriet arrives and knocked on the door, Hermione came and open the door.

Hermione: oh hey Harriet, happy birthday! did you get my gift?

Harriet: hey mione, thank you and yes I loved it!

Hermione: glad to hear it anyway what do you need!

Harriet: Can I come inside it important?


Harriet went inside and was met with Draco Malfoy " hey Draco said Harriet while acting as if it was normal.

Draco: uhh...

Hermione" Harriet why aren't freaking about this?

Harriet: oh I knew that you two were together, Draco Malfoy dating my best friend

Draco: you knew!? how?

Harriet: I caught you guys making out in the room of requirement right before the summer break.

both mione and Draco were like tomatoes and Harriet was laughing

mione: so you're not mad?

Harriet: nope but Draco don't break her heart pls!

Draco: of course, I promise

Harriet: anyway I came here because of this!

Harriet said that while taking a copy of her creature inheritance paper! Hermione and Draco started reading it Draco wasn't shocked because he knew about all of this, but Hermione's mouth was wide open.

Mione: wait hold up, Voldemort is your mate, Dumbledore and the rest are using you for fame and I'm guessing the prophecy is fake 

Draco: So you finally found out!

Mione: what do you mean found out? did you know?

Draco: yes, every single death eater and their kids knew about it but we were waiting for you to find out yourself Harriet

Harriet: Draco is the dark lord back?

Draco: yep!

Harriet: I'm going to see him...!

Mione: ill come with you!

Harriet: no you stay here ill be back, now can I use your fireplace pls!

Mione: sure!

Harriet went into the fireplace and said riddle manor, in a few seconds she appeared in a huge black living room, the room was beautiful, Harriet's train of thought got interrupted by a voice that was coming from behind her! Harriet turned around and was met with tom riddle, sitting on one of the couches while reading a book and not even looking up from it!  " I've been waiting for you," said tom finally looking up from his book!

Tom invited Harriet to sit on the couch and told Harriet to ask him any question, that he would give him in answers! Harriet took a deep breath and ask why Dumbledore kill her that night! 

tom started telling her the truth, about how her parents were spying for him, and Dumbledore found out and went to attack them that night, but tom came and try saving them, but Dumbledore decide to use him so he could make a fake prophecy. 

that night after Dumbledore killed Harriet's parents and tom came, they were battling and Dumbledore threw a killing curse at Harriet but tom jumped in front of it to save Harriet's life. 

the two of them continue talking and Harriet got a lot of answers and by the end of it, she was planning albus Dumbledore's death.
" Harriet I never meant to hurt you, you are my mate and I could never bring myself to kill you, please forgive me" said tom while taking Harriet hands in his! 

" after all of that happened how could I not forgive you, I guess I was too blind to realize that everything Dumbledore and the rest were saying were total lies" said Harriet while having some tears rolling down on her cheek! 

" I forgive you tom and I will be by your side from now on," said Harriet while tom was wiping her tears away! tom pulled Harriet into his arm and hugged her with comfort. a few minutes later tom called his house-elf to make them a casual dinner! while eating dinner tom and Harriet got to know each other, they had a lot in common. Harriet went back home and told tom she would visit him tomorrow, tom wanted her to stay tho! 

Harriet use the floo and appeared in Hermione's house where she was waiting! Harriet told her everything and went back home, where she saw that the Dursley were awake and vermon was yelling telling her to let them go! instead, she cut some of their hair and put them in different bags with their name on them! 

Harriet didn't even hesitate and started torturing them, first, she burn Dursley's hand on the burning stove while both Vernon and petunia watched, she was crying while Harriet was laughing, it might seem wrong but got it felt good for  Harriet to get her revenge! in the end, she got tired of them so she just uses the killing curse and burned their bodies alive in the backyards!

                                                                       to be continued!

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