Marcy stepped on the chair and looked in the larger covering for the light source 'If there is something in there and mother is involved something is definitely afoot' 'I do love a good mystery' Cassandra's voice echoed in her head 'Where have you been you old bat?' 'Enjoying the show or the plot of this book so far'. Chrysanthe looked over to the side as if looking at the reader 'You're going to like this arc' she sent a wink in that direction.

"My lady look" Marcy came down with a map and a piece of paper "These look like the manor gardens" Elias commented Chrysanthe examined the torn piece of paper "Looks like mummy was in a rush"  she showed the other "Look at the edges it must have gotten caught on the light some of the edges are burned" Elias took the paper into his hand. "We leave at night to find this place," Chrysanthe pointed at the marked spot on the map "Until then we keep up appearances as if we never found this." 

The other two nodded, Marcy took the map while Elias took the torn paper the trio left the sewing room as if they hadn't gone in and went about their somewhat normal day. Chrysanthe avoided her aunt, Marcy waited on her and Elias was doing his best to decipher where this paper came from. 

The beating hearts she heard from a distance became louder and louder, sitting up from her spot on the couch she looked at the reader "Something is definitely wrong." 


Chrysanthe was grooming the horses when she noticed Connie getting scolded by Levi "Hey Connie are you alright?" she asked the boy on the floor "Yeah I'm alright gorgeous" he stood up brushing off the dirt. Connie never failed to make her laugh even with horrible jokes normally Sasha would be close behind "Where's Sasha?" "Captain Levi dragged her off somewhere" he shivered trying not to think about the punishment she had to face. Chrysanthe went back to brushing the horse "Normally you're attached to Eren and Mikasa" Connie was blunt with his words sometimes it sounded rude "I decided a little break alone time would do me good" she mumbled 'I'm not that attached to them...'  

"Look at this!" he pulled her to look at "Jean?" she whispered "Yeah now look at the floor.." he pointed at the cobblestone floor, after looking for a while she couldn't see it "What are we looking at dear?" "Well Dear see that moss on the floor..Sasha and I were supposed to clean it but we decided to have some fun" Connie mimicking the way she spoke made her blush a bit.

Jean walked toward the moss with a bucket of water unaware of what was coming his way, Chrysanthe and Connie watched intensively as he walked. Jean let out a goofy noise when his butt hit the cobblestone the water he had been carrying had spilled all over his pants. Connie fell back hollering while Chrysanthe covered her mouth with her hand but little snickers made their way out and to Connie's ears. "WHAT THE HELL CONNIE!" Jean shouted in anger he tried getting up but the spilled water made it worse he fell forward this time causing Chrysanthe to burst out laughing. Connie had stopped and grabbed a scrubbing brush "Quit your whining I'll be there," he patted Chrysanthe's head causing her to look at him "I'm glad I got you to smile pretty girl" he said before leaving to help Jean.


New arc ? yes

Kc is alive? maybe?

Touch deprived? surely 

Moment with Cornelius Springer? yes sir  

Hotel? Trivago 

Any who I had no wifi for a while due to the weather, wrote some in word and transferred it here I just wrote this so I didn't proofread it properly so pls excuse the mistakes.

With that Hope yall enjoy~

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