Zach Bot Battle

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"So exactly is the Ultimatrix?" Martin asked Ben curiously as they walked along the trees. Chris listened to the two talk as he checked the coordinates on his cell phone.

"The OMNITRIX was a device designed to catalog DNA of every intelligent creature in the milky-way galaxy. It can restore damaged DNA of any species contained within its database. I use it to transform into a list of alien super heros to defeat bad guys. The Ultimatrix though... It was invented by Albedo to be used as a weapon." Ben responded to Martin, lifting his wrist to get a closer look at the Omnitrix and then lowered his head back down to a serious posture.

"The Omnitrix was created by an alien genius named Azmuth... Albedo was his assistant. Last year he tried creating his own Omnitrix. But there can only be one Omnitrix. So the feedback of our Omnitrix damaged his form. He looked like me at first... a clone you could say. My old Omnitrix and the Ultimatrix ran on the same network, so any creature that used the Ultimatrix would turn into me. Because I'm the base form. He created the Ultimatrix so he could kill me and take my Omnitrix. But I made it self destruct before an alien named Vilgax could get it. Then I took his Ultimatrix." Ben stopped speaking, worrying he may be over-explaining to Martin. 

"You used to own the Ultimatrix, the same one Aviva found?" Chris chimed in, looking surprised.

"Yeah, I did. For a couple months. I needed an Omnitrix since my old one blew up. But... It was glitchy and I never felt comfortable using a weapon of war. The Ultimatrix could evolve transformations to their ultimate form. But to torture a digital species for millions of years just to evolve them into a battle form for my own use... It never felt right." Ben looked kind of sad thinking about what he just said. He remembered the time he discovered the Ultimate aliens were sentient. And Azmuth had to save him.

"A device that forcefully evolves creatures...? That sounds like something one of our enemies would do." Chris responded, he looked more serious and less care-free.

"I guess all bad guys think the same huh?" Ben is about to let out a chuckle after he said this, but is stopped by a blast from behind them. A group of Zach Bots approached. 

"Lasers? That's new!" Martin says, hiding behind a bush.

"Aren't you guys going to use your suits?" Ben said while dialing his Omnitrix, running away from the Zach Bots.

"We can only use our power discs if we have a physical animal to touch!" Martin yelled out, still hiding. Chris fortunately found a woodpecker and was able to use his eagle power disc to fly up and dodge the Zach Bot's blasts. 

Ben slammed his Omnitrix and transformed into Echo Echo. "Echo echo? This could work!" Ben says in his robotic Echo Echo voice, before multiplying into several versions of himself. "You guys might want to cover your ears." Ben said to the brothers. They didn't understand why, but they listened. The echo echo's surrounded the Zach Bot and began using their sound wave attack. The sound's volume vibrated the entire area around them and the Zach Bots eventually began to crumble and malfunction due to interference from the sound waves.

The Zach Bots all fell to the ground and blew up in a small explosion, knocking Ben directly against a tree. This caused all his echo echo clones to go back inside of him and forced him to transform back due to the injury fail-safe.

"I thought you said your bad guys didn't target people...?" Ben got up, rubbing his head which was sore from impact. His Omnitrix now blinked red indicating it was in recharge mode. 

"They usually don't! Zach has never gone after people specifically. He just used animals for personal gain..." Chris added, confused as Ben was, before he transformed his creature power suit back to default mode.

"And since when has ZACH used LASERS?" Martin responded to the both of them, holding his right arm as it was burned severely during the battle. 


Ben looked at his Omnitrix which was now recharged and on the green setting. "I can turn into XLR8 and rush you guys to the nearest hospital." Ben offered to the duo which nodded their heads yes. He then dialed and slammed his Omnitrix, transforming into XL68 and grabbing both of them and running away.

Ben 10 Meets the Wild KrattsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon