A New Technology

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All the technology the crew had acquired was now on Aviva's work table in the Tortuga. Chris and Martin looked curiously as Aviva, Jimmy and Koki all inspected the technology. Martin got bored and picked up a the deactivated Ultimatrix off the table. "Hey Aviva! This kind of looks like a watch!" He said curiously, playing around with the controls which did nothing. 

"Hey give me that! We shouldn't push buttons until we know what exactly they do!" Aviva said to Martin as she took the object from him and inspected it. Aviva had never seen any so advanced in her life. Even if her lack of knowledge in Galvanic technology she was amazed by the level of precision of circuity behind the transparent sections of the Ultimatrix. She was about to place the object with the others until she noticed a DNA extractor within the circuitry, one very similar to the device she uses to create creature power discs. However, it was minuscule and clearly more advanced.

"What...? How...?" Aviva was stunned at the discovery of the DNA scanner. Her creature power discs were some of the most advanced tech ever developed on Earth and this superior circuit was smaller than a quarter.

"Koki. Can you preform a diagnostic on this device? I'm going to get my creature power suit." Aviva asked Koki, then rushing to her bedroom to get her suit. 

Koki picked up the device and placed into a large device built into the wall of the lab. Despite the advanced level of Galvan tech, the cause of malfunction was clear. The device was missing a power source. The amount of energy required by this device was incredible, though a creature power suit core could provide an alternative power source to the one intended for the device. 

Aviva returned soon as Koki, Jimmy and the Kratt brothers watched Koki saving information about the device. "This device seems to be in perfect health, it just needs a power source." Koki said to Aviva, trying to relay the information she had just discovered. "We could use the core from your creature power suit... But it may take awhile for you to replace it." Koki continued as she noticed Aviva's eagerness to repair the device.

"Koki, if I could reverse engineer this technology who knows how much faster I could produce creature power discs. I'm ready to do anything." Aviva responded to Koki, placing her creature power on the table. Koki nodded her head and began dismantling the creature power suit in order to get access to the power core. After around half an hour, the suit was completely open across the table and there sat the core.

"Now I just got to figure out how to get this core IN the device." Koki responded with a slight chuckle, holding the core with tweezers and investigating the Ultimatrix.

The Ultimatrix began vibrating as Koki brought the power core closer to the device, and a small square shaped hole would slid open near the back of the device. "I guess it goes in here?" Koki said confused before placing the power core in the hole. Afterwards, the Ultimatrix began glowing green and blinking blue rapidly.

"Power has been restored. Ultimatrix will now enter recalibration mode. Please stand by." The Ultimatrix said in it's robotic voice, before the transformation dial began slowly spinning and periodically blinking blue. 

"It needs to boot up? And I thought my computer was annoying!" Chris said jokingly, before being lightly slapped on the shoulder by Martin.

Jimmy yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Maybe we should let it reboot over night and get some shut eye." The others nodded their heads and began getting ready for bed. 

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