The Spark

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After another awesome performance at the Raveyard, Bf, Gf, and I run to get out of there as soon as possible before everyone else left. We go into a well lit alleyway to catch out breath. "That was close." I said to Bf. "Glad we got out when we did." Said BF, still breathing heavily. Gf noticed something out of the corner of her eye, a strange figure walking toward us. "Um guys?" Gf said while pointing it out, "There's someone else already here." "Shoot." I thought "Whoever it is, I just hope they don't hurt us." "Who's there?" I asked. The figure walked into light and it was Pico. We both blushed a little when we saw each other.

"Hey Ella." "Hey Pico." I said getting flustered and nervous. "Ella!" Bf said, "You shouldn't be talking with him because he wants to capture me and GF." "I don't bother with that stuff anymore. I left my clan weeks ago because of some relationship issues and now I have nobody to hang with ." He said. "Man, that must suck. I really want to tell him how I feel." I thought to myself. "Hey, I have an idea." I said. "Why don't we rap battle to pass the time?" "That's a great idea sis, what do ya say Pico?" Bf asked. "You're on." he said and glanced up at me and smiled, then turned back to Bf.

I help Gf get the music ready. We both sit on top of the big speaker and I start the song. As Pico is singing, my heart skips a beat. After the song ends, Pico turns to me and smiles. "How was that?" He asked me. "That was excellent." I said, "both of you did really well." Pico blushed a little after I said that. "Aw, thanks sis." Bf said. "Wanna do another song?" Gf asked. "One more song wouldn't hurt." Pico said.

After the second song finished, I hop down from the speaker onto the ground and help Gf get down off of it. "That was fun." Bf said. "We should do that again sometime." Gf added. "Hey Ella. I wanted to ask you something." Pico said. "Sure Pico, what's up?" I ask him. He pulls me off to the side where Bf and Gf couldn't hear us. "What is the question that you want to ask me?" I asked him. "It's more of a confession." He said and took a deep breath. "Ella, I really like you as more than friends. I know you may get flustered with me saying this, but Ella, do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked me. "Oh Pico, yes!" I said and hugged him. "There is one catch though. We can't let Bf see that we are dating. We're gonna have to lay it low around him, ok?" Pico said. "Ok. I promise to lay it low around my brother." I said. We walked back to where Bf and Gf were. "Everything ok, you two?" Gf asked. "Yep, everything's fine. Pico was just asking me if I could hang out with him for a bit." I said. "Sure. Gf and I heading home to get some rest for our big day tomorrow. My only rule is just be home at a reasonable time ok sis?" Bf said. "I will." I said as Bf and Gf started walking home.

After Bf and Gf were gone, Pico and I looked into each other's eyes lovingly and Pico gave me a kiss on the cheek. "What do you want to do?" I asked him. "Well, there is a little party going on tonight. Do you wanna go hang out there for a bit?" He asked me. "Sure. That sounds fun." I said. "It'll be our first date." He added. We held hands the entire walk and didn't let go. After a little while, we were at the spot where the party is. It is inside a night club called The Shooting Star. "Here it is." Pico said as we went inside. "This is awesome." I said. A whole bunch of people were there dancing, enjoying snacks, and talking with friends. A DJ was playing a dance party playlist on their laptop plugged into two big speakers. "Wanna dance for a bit?" I asked Pico. "Sure, although I'm not much of a dancer, but I will dance with you." He said. We walked out on the dance floor and started dancing.

After a while, Pico and I step outside to catch our breath from dancing so much. "You're a really good dancer Ella." He said. I blushed a little. "Thanks, you're a pretty good dancer too." I said. I pull out my phone and looked at my messages from Bf. "Shoot." I said and immediately texted him back. "What's wrong, Ella?" Pico asked me. "Just a lot of missed text messages from Bf." I said. "It's already 11:30." Pico said glancing at his phone. "Bf is going to kill me for not being home at a decent time." I said nervously. "Do you want me to walk you home?" Pico asked me. "Sure. I hope you don't mind." I said. "I don't mind at all." He said. On the way home, Pico and I exchanged phone numbers so we could text each other. "Thanks for walking me home Pico." I said. "No problem. I had a fun time with you tonight." He said "Maybe we could do this again sometime?" I asked him. "Of course." He said and kissed me on the cheek. "Night Ella, get some rest tonight, ok?" He said. "Night Pico. You too." I said and walked up to the door of our apartment and unlocked the door. Bf and Gf were asleep by the time I walked in. I tiptoed quietly to my room and got ready for bed. After I had changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and washed my face, i sat down on my bed and pulled up messages on my phone and texted Pico. I plugged my phone in for the night and fall asleep super happy.

Meanwhile, Pico was getting ready for bed too. He saw my message and replied back and he fell asleep super happy as well. "I think this relationship is going to work out very well." We both thought to ourselves as we fell asleep.

Burning Up Like Neon Lights (A Neo Pico * Ella Story)Where stories live. Discover now