She tugged the face framing baby hairs out by my ears so they hung by my cheeks and took one last glance at me in the mirror. "Champagne." She nodded, squeezing my shoulders and heading towards the door.

"Your mask is in the kitchen." She smiled, making me shudder slightly. I was not looking forward to this party, even if I would see Draco again. I wished we could reunite in a more private setting.

"Their masks scare me." I told her as I crinkled my nose. I wished I could say I was lying.

After Blaise had told me the theme was a masquerade, I had flashbacks to the horrifying silver and black mask that my father used to have on display in the artifact room.

"But yours is going to look beautiful. I had it custom made." She smiled warmly as she walked out the door.

I took one last glance at my hair and simple makeup in the mirror before I slipped my short cocktail dress on and pressed it flat with my palms. I was nervous as all get out. Probably the most nervous I had ever been— even when I was competing in the tournament a few years back.

But he'll be there.

I slipped on a pair of heels and grabbed my clutch purse from my nightstand before I skipped towards the door and pulled it shut behind me. I made my way to the kitchen where I saw a gift box waiting for me.

I pulled the lid off carefully and revealed a gorgeous white mask, full of diamonds and lace. I slowly tied the ribbon behind my head and walked out into the foyer to look at myself in the mirror.

"Cissy, are you ready yet? I think it's starting soon." I called out to her. Before she had even yelled a response she had popped up beside me, making me jump in place. "You just love doing that, don't you?" I asked her with a giggle. She always apparated in and out— even if I was only a few feet away.

A sly smile pulled on her lips, reminding me of the one Draco always gave me when he would tease me.

"Just a short month away and you'll be able to do it whenever you'd like." She poked my cheek and grabbed my hand. "Are you ready?" She questioned. I nodded my head and took a deep breath. She nodded in response before we zipped and swirled to my manor.

We walked up the short stone walkway and inched our way towards the front door. The entrance was wide open, accepting dozens of people at a time to enter— all dressed to the nines and wearing their masks to hide some of their identity.

Which— in all honesty— was completely idiotic to me. What did anyone have to hide? Be open after your allegiance with the Dark Lord, you idiots. This is what you wanted. The ministry already fell. Dumbledore is gone. Harold... sweet Harry.

I snuck off a few weeks back after Blaise had told me the news and I visited him. Well, not really him. Just a piece of stone with his name on the top like he wasn't anything more than a figment of my imagination. It wasn't hard to find him, after all. He was placed right next to his parents in Godric's Hollow. And I begged, and screamed, and cried, and I laid on the ground for what was probably hours, but felt like minutes.

And then I left him some flowers that looked like the ones he had given me on my fifteenth birthday. Pink ones because he knew it was my favorite color. The roses because I was like an annoying thorn in his side. And his mum's name was Lily.

He had Ginny Weasley these days, and I know that I have Draco, but it just feels like there will always be something deep down that will wonder what would have happened had we given ourselves our chance like he always wanted. What a bloody fool I am.

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