"They-they say your mama doesn't love you because she doesn't come to play with you," he says, looking down sadly, pouting.

"Mama, why don't you come to the playground with Tommy and daddy?" He says with innocent eyes, boring into Alice's guilty ones.

She instantly hugged her baby to her chest. "I am sorry, baby. Mama is so sorry. Please forgive me," she kept kissing his head, feeling guilty and useless that because of her, her little baby has to go through all this. He had to listen to his friends talking like this, and she was not there to defend her sunflower.

"Mama, don't cry," Tommy's small hands touched Alice's damp, tear-streaked face and wiped it messily while pouting. Alice sniffed, smiling, and kissed her pup's small, chubby hands lovingly.

"I'm not. I am sorry, baby. Mama promises to always do what my baby wants from now on, okay?" She swears and kisses his cheeks. Tommy giggles and claps his hands excitedly.

"Really!!?" (Really)

Alice nodded and caressed his long hair lovingly, smiling adoringly at her small, innocent pup. "Really," she assured and kissed his cheek and embraced him, smiling ever so lovingly and happily.

This is the best day of her life.

Ithen smiled and wiped

his face from all the tears, feeling a little bit better after seeing the moment between his both babies. He was hiding behind the slightly open door and saw everything.

He leaned his back into the side of the neck and closed his eyes.

One hour earlier...

"Hey baby, good morning," Ithen walked towards the bed and kissed his son's forehead. "Morning, daddy~" the little boy said, yawning cutely.

"How did my baby sleep?"

Ithen picked his son up and made him sit on his lap, caressing his hair. Tommy nodded in response, still a bit sleepy. "Hmm, daddy wants to talk to you," Ithen slowly started.

Tommy looked up at his daddy curiously with his big doe eyes.

"Do you like mama?" He asked softly. Tommy pouted at that and nodded his head vigorously.

"Tommy loves mama," he softly whispered. Meanwhile, Ithen smiled and kissed his forehead. "But-but mama doesn't love Tommy back," he pouted sadly.

"No, baby. Who told you that? Mama also loves Tommy sooo much," Ithen softly informed him.

"But she doesn't play with Tommy-she...she doesn't cuddle Tommy-she won't read stories for Tommy," he pouted, big, small, innocent eyes almost teary.

Ithen smiled and cupped his soft, chubby cheeks. "Did you ask her to play with you?" Tommy shook his head.

"Did you ask her to cuddle you or read stories for you?" Tommy made a thinking face and then pouted more when he couldn't think of anything about asking his mommy.

"Then how can she do it when you don't ask her?" Ithen's voice was soft and delicate, trying to make Tommy realize his behavior towards his mama as softly as possible.

"But mommy will be mad at Tommy if Tommy asks her. She doesn't like Tommy," he cutely but sadly says, sniffing.

"Oh, baby, you don't know how much your mama loves you. But you know why she doesn't say it?" he asked Tommy, who looked up at him curiously, tilting his head to the side.


"Because she's sad," Tommy's big eyes got even bigger hearing his mama is sad because of him.

"Mama is s-shaid?(sad)" his lower lip wobbled.

"Yes, because Tommy won't talk to his mama and say 'I love you' to her every day like you say to daddy. She thinks Tommy doesn't love her, so she's sad," Ithen said in a sad voice and looked at Tommy with big eyes.

"B-but Tommy wuv m-mommy," his bottom lip jutted out, big, innocent eyes becoming teary more, and big fat tears came out of it. His nose already red.

Ithen quickly shushed him and comforted him. "I know, baby, but your mama doesn't know about that." He wiped his tears and kissed his cheek.

"You need to let her know about that, baby."

"Tommy will tell mama he wuv her," he said determined. Ithen smiled but frowned when he saw the sad pout on his son's small lips.

"What happened, baby?"

"Wat if mama won't akept(accept) Tommy sowwy(sorry)," he sadly said.

"That will not happen because like I said, mama loves you. She will accept your sorry. But if she won't accept it, you daddy has a plan," he says, also correcting his son's wrong words. He whispered his plan in his son's ear, who smiled boxily, giggling.

"Otay(okay)," he cutely said, fisting his hand in the air.

Ithen smiled and sighed in slight relief. Finally, he did something for Alice that he should've done way before. Finally, he made his one mistake correct. Finally, he feels the soft feeling after seeing his both loves hugging and smiling boxily, looking like a ditto copy of each other.

Now he knows where Tommy gets his unique but adorable boxy smile.

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