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Request: @bodiedog19

"Just come Y/N, you'll be fine."

I swear I was gonna kill him.

Taylor had been trying to convince be for a solid hour now to go to practice with him.

I really didn't want to go.

He insisted that since I was friends with everyone I met the new guys too so I could be-friend them as well.

Today was one of those days where I didn't feel like doing anything yet I knew not matter what I was getting dragged to his practice.

"Ok fine I'll go but you owe me" I said.



I went upstairs to get ready even though I was dreading go to his practice.

I did give Taylor a lecture on our way to the arena about learning what the word no means and respecting my wishes but I knew he wasn't listening.

When we arrived I went up to the stands like I usually did and Taylor went to the locker room.

During practice one by one the guys would notice me a wave and I waved back.

I did see a few new people I hadn't seen before so I assumed they were the rookies.

After the practice I went to meet Taylor outside the locker rooms.

I was sat on one of the bench's when I heard someone walking towards me.

"Hey Taylor," I said but as I looked up I realized it wasn't him.

"Ohh sorry I thought you were my brother."

"It's ok. I'm Jackson" the mystery guy said.


Not gonna lie this mystery guy was pretty cute.

I guess neither of us had noticed we were staring at each other until we heard someone yell.

"Yo Y/N" of course Taylor had to ruin the moment.


"Ahh I see you've met Jackson."

"I have" I said.

"Yeah well she's off limits buddy so stay back" Taylor said to Jackson.

I rolled my eyes.

"K, let's go Y/N."

"Fine, bye Jackson" I said waving.

"Bye" he replied waving back.

I already knew I was getting a lecture in the car.


I ignored Taylor's lecture in the car about how I wasn't allowed to date any of his teammates.

I really didn't care.

I mean Jackson was cute, really cute and sure I sort of fell in love with him the moment I saw him but I wasn't going to let Taylor boss me around.


I started voluntarily going to Taylor's practices and game just to see Jackson I mean those eyes and smile are addicting.

I can't get enough of him.

I mean who wouldn't instantly fall in love with him.

He was so perfect but I couldn't date him because of my stupid brother.

Jackson's POV
"Hey buddy you ok?"

"Huh, ohh yeah i'm fine."

I wasn't fine.

All I could think about was her and how perfect she was.

"Your obviously not. Is this about Taylor's sister" Cole said.

I nodded.

"Dude of all girls you chose her seriously."

"I can't help who I love ok, It just happened I didn't mean it."

There was nothing I could do. Taylor would kill me if he found out my feelings for Y/N.

"Tell her how you feel. I know you're scared that Taylor if gonna kill you but tell her she's probably feels the same."

I guess he was right there was no harm in trying.


After practice I went to find Y/N and I found her sitting where she normally was.

"Hi" I siad.

"Hi" she replied.

"Can we talk?" I asked her.

She nodded seeming confused.

"Y/N I like you and I know we're not supposed to be together but I really do like you and I can't help but feel this way. You don't have to love me back but I just wanted you to know."

She smiled at me which confused me.

I smiled, I liked him too regardless of what Taylor's says.

"I like you too Jackson" I said.

"Really," he seemed shocked.

I nodded.

He smiled and leaned in.

The moment out lips touched it was like fireworks went off, that was until the moment go ruined.

"What the fuck."

We pulled apart to see Taylor standing there fuming with anger.

"Taylor" I began to say but was cut off.

"No don't Taylor me, you know my rule and you broke it."

"I don't care Taylor I like Jackson, You can't tell me who I can and can't love."

"Yes I can I'm your brother."

I was so angry with him.

"No you can't I love him and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it."

"Y/N I don't want you to get hurt again."

"I swear I wold never hurt her and if I do you have every right to kill me" Jackson said.

Taylor stared at us and sighed.

"Fine I'll allow it but one mistakes you will never play hockey again understood' Taylor said to Jackson.

He nodded in response.

I guess me going to that practice was a good thing after all.

I hope you like this sorry it took so long!! Also shout out to @Nhl2022 for helping me out on this. <3

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