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Request: @alyx_barnes53

"Congrats" I said hugging Marco.

"Thank you."

We were at Marco's draft and he had just been selected by Detroit.

I was so proud of him and I was so excited he was going to a great team.

I was even more excited that he wanted to include me in his draft day.

For as long as I can remember me and Marci have been best friends.

When we were kids were conjoined at the hip and did everything together.

There was never a moment we were alone.

When Marco had to travel for hockey, I went with him.

I swear I was like another child to his parents.

Though I never thought I'd be one of the first people he asked to be at his draft.

I mean yeah we we're best friends but he told me before he told his parents and already bought my ticket.

I don't think I ever realized I was that important to him.

It was only until he made everyone leave a seat next to him for me.

Normally people had their mom or dad or sibling there but Marco made sure that spot was saved for me.

I was a little sad though because him being drafted meant he would be moving to Detroit.

Since I lived in Austria we would thousands of miles apart and  even if I wanted to visit him plane tickets would be expensive. 

Even then who would I stay with. If Marco got a roommate I wouldn't want to intrude on them.

So on top of the expenses of the plane tickets I had to pay for a hotel and however long I would be staying.

It would cost me thousands of dollars to just visit him for a week.

I couldn't afford to do that multiple times a season.

I didn't have that kind of money.

"Hey are you ok, what's wrong" Marco asked sitting down next to me.

"Nothing just thinking about how far apart we'll be" I said.

He didn't reply just smiled.

"Why are you smiling, we're going to be thousands of miles apart we won't get to see each other."

I was confused.

"That's what I was going to talk to you about, I wanted to ask if you would like to move to Detroit with me."

My jaw dropped.

"Are you serious" I asked.

He nodded smiling.

I hugged him super tight, "I would love to."

"Thank god you said yes I don't know what I would do if you didn't."

So we really did move to Detroit together and our friendship turned into more when we did move.

It's been a few months and now we're dating living in a apartment in Detroit.

I honestly couldn't be happier.

I'm so thankful he asked me to move here with him because I don't think I could handle being thousands of miles away from him.

He meant too much to me.

Hope you like this girly. I loved writing this it's so cute.

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