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Draft day was finally here and I was so excited.

Me and Leila were all dressed up in matching white dresses.

Rutger loved these dresses.

When I first showed him the dresses I swear I could see hearts in his eyes.

After we had gotten ready we made our way to the arena.

"You look so beautiful" Rutger said.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Daddy what about me, do I look pretty."

"You look beautiful princess."

Leila giggled.

"I'm so glad I get to spend my draft with you" Rutger said.

"We are too" I replied.

"I could not have asked for better supporters."

He definitely did have the best supporters, nobody could top me and Leila.

We had Leila at a fairly young age, but we didn't let that get in our way.

Rutger didn't let his hockey get in the way of his daughter.

Sure hockey was important to him, but his daughter was more important.

Leila actually made him better at hockey. Sure he was a great hockey player but having a daughter made him become better.

Every game she was at he put in 110%.

He wanted her to remember this when she was older.

Leila changed our lives in a good way.

She's the perfect little girl and brought so much joy into our lives.

I've honestly never wanted things to be different.

Most people think we're irresponsible for having a kid so young but we never saw it that way.

We were sat in our seats waiting for the draft to begin.

Leila was sat on Rutger's lap.

He insisted he should take her up with him when he got drafted. I didn't think it was the best idea but he begged me until I agreed.

I knew Leila really wanted to go up with her dad so I was ok with it.

I also knew it would make his draft day even more memorable.

The draft had begun and we were currently almost half way through.

Next up in the draft was Winnipeg.

I knew they were a team who was pretty interested in Rutger.

There was a decent chance they were going to take him.

When the jet's announced their pick and I heard Rutger's name I wanted to scream.

I was so beyond proud of him.

He had worked so hard due this and he deserved it.

Watching him walk up with Leila made me smile.

Both the smiles of their faces were priceless.

They both had hers jersey on with McGroarty on the back.

I knew that Leila would definitely remember this moment when she was older.

She would see all the pictures and remember just how great her dad is.

It was after the draft and pretty much everyone was hanging out in the lobby if the hotel.

Leila has earned the attention of Issac Howard who was chasing her around.

She was giggling and smiling.

"I got you" Issac said picking up Leila and sitting her down on his lap.

"Who's Leila's favourite parent" Logan asked.



"Let's test that, Leila who do you like more mommy or daddy" Issac asked her.


"Told you."

"Wow not gonna lie I really thought of would be Rutger."

"No, she just like Y/N more and I think that's because she's a girl."

Leila definitely enjoyed herself.

She had so much fun.

By the end of the day she was already asleep before we even got to our room.

She had fallen asleep on Issac's lap while everyone was mid conversation.

We hadn't noticed until Issac looked down and saw her fast asleep.

Me and Leila were so proud of Rutger.

He has become such and amazing hockey player and has so much going for him.

We could definitely get used to Winnipeg and the cold winters.

I made a Rutger McGroarty version.

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