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Let's just say Shane wasn't exactly happy about going 4th overall.

Sure he was grateful but I knew he wished he had gone 1st.

I could tell by the look on his face the moment his name wasn't called first.

Anger was very present in his eyes.

He didn't try to hide it.

"Hey you ok" I asked him.

"Yeah I'm fine," he did not try to hide his anger at all.

By the time of his voice it was obvious he was extremely mad.

"Shane it's ok you didn't go first overall that doesn't make you any less of a player, your still amazing and I'm still proud of you."

"I'm not mad, I don't know why you're assuming I am. I don't care, could you stop bringing it up" he yelled at me.

I was taken back a little but respected his wishes and left it alone.

I knew he was upset and just needed time.

Hopefully tomorrow he would be ok.

Maybe he just needed sleep.

Shane had gone back to our room while I sat in the lobby.

I was in some sweatpants and a tank top.

I was sat down on one of the couches just scrolling through my phone.

I wasn't really paying attention to anything going on around me.

"Mind if I sit" I heard someone say.

I looked up to see a tall guy, he had brown hair and brown eyes.

He also had an accent.

"Not at all, go ahead."

He sat down.

It remained quiet for a bit until he spoke up, "what's a girl like you doing alone in the lobby, late at night" he asked.

I wasn't going to tell a random stranger that my boyfriend was pissed at me and I was kinda afraid to go out room but what did I say to him.

"Some stuff" I answered.

"You look like you need someone to talk to," man that guy was smart.

"I can't really argue that."

"I'm here to listen if you need someone to talk to."

I guess I was telling mystery dude about my problems now.

"I'm Juraj by the way," interesting name. Not common here.

I don't think he was American or Canadian.

"Y/N," I replied. "Beautiful name, it fits you."

I couldn't help but smile.

He was a real gentleman.

"Sooo," he said referring to my problem.

"Oh yeah, well my boyfriend's a little mad at me because things didn't go as he expected and when I tried to make him feel better he kinda flipped out at me."

"How didn't things turn out the way he expected?"

"We'll he was projected to go first in this years nhl draft but he didn't and instead went 4th" I explained.

"So I took his spot" the guy said.

"I gue-, wait what," I was pretty confused.

"I guess I didn't fully introduce myself, I'm Juraj Slafkovsky" his name sounded familiar.

Then it hit me.

He was the one who went first overall.

"Ohh crap, I didn't mean it that way" I said.

"It's ok, I get it. If I was your boyfriend I'd be pretty upset too. He's probably just angry right now and needs time. He seems lucky to have you, but I think just being there for him it what he needs right now."

"You know if hockey doesn't work out for you, you can totally be my therapist" I joked.

He laughed.

"Here's my number I'm happy to be your love therapist anytime you need" he said.


Maybe he was right.

Shane was angry and just needed time.

But what he needed most of all was someone there for him even if he didn't want talk.

I opened our hotel room door to see Shane laying on his side in bed facing the door.

He looked at me but didn't say anything, I didn't either.

We both remained silent.

I got into the bed and placed my phone down on the nightstand.

I could tell Shane was no longer mad, he seemed upset now.

I didn't know if he was upset with me or himself.

"I'm sorry, I never meant to yell at you I was just mad and took it out on you," I could hear the guilt in his voice.

"It's ok, I get it. You wanted to go first overall there's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes things don't always work out the way you want them too but your still an amazing hockey player and I'm proud of you no matter what."

He smiled.

I kissed his lips, "your cute" I giggled.

"And your gorgeous."

I was so proud of Shane even though he didn't go first overall.

He was an amazing hockey player and I knew he would kill it in Seattle.

Ok but the fact he went forth overall still shocks me. I expected him to first and if not first then second.

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