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"Finally, I have you right where I want you." Albedo said to himself confidently, as the ship containing the Ultimatrix was about to pass by his stolen plumber ship. He had recently escaped prison. Now that Ben had a new Omnitrix, the Ultimatrix was being sent to a nearby moon to be deposed of.

The maintenance crew onboard the Ultimatrix transport ship were oblivious to Albedo's ship as Plumber ships were designed for cloaking against under-registered radar. To Albedo, this was now a waiting game.

"Perfect!" Albedo said to himself as the transport ship went directly pass Albedo's ship unalarmed. Turning the throttle, Albedo's ship was now tailing the transport vessel. With a single blast from Albedo's ship-mounted laser lancer, the chase was on. Alarms rang out through the transport vessel as they realized they were under attack. Another blast follows the first one shortly after, causing the transport vessel to turn to its side to dodge.

The captain of the transport vessel speaks on the intercom, "ATTENTION. ALL WORKERS MUST REPORT TO THE CARGO BAY NOW. WE ARE UNDER ATTACK. WE MUST PROTECT THE ULTIMATRIX AT ALL COSTS." Following this, under blast from Albedo's lancer managed to hit the right wing of the ship. Sparks fly out of the wing as an alarm rings inside of the transport vessel. Workers of the ship desperately take their laser rifles and run to the cargo bay as the doors in the base all forcefully shut themselves for emergency lockdown.

One last blast from Albedo's ship severely damages the engine of the ship, rendering it incapable of transport. Lights flicker inside the transport ship as the ship swiftly switches to the backup generator.

With limited time, Albedo sends a small probe towards the damaged wing of the ship to gain access to the cargo bay. The probe successfully enters the wing undetected, and unfolds into a small robotic entity. It crawls across the floor of the wing, immune to the various damaged electric wiring rendering the area dangerous to organics. After successfully traveling through the wing, the probe stumbles across a small floor vent. A small robotic arm with a drill appears from a hatch in the machine's back. It begins unscrewing the vent one screw at a time with the workers below guarding being completely oblivious. 

After the final screw is removed, the probe carefully picks the vent cover up and sets it on the floor of the wing. The probe is now directly above the crate containing the Ultimatrix. The drill returns to the inside of the machine, and a small grappling hook succeeds it. Within a moment, the machine looks onto the roof of the wing and attaches the grappling hook to it. Now being wired to the ceiling, the probe slowly descends below the vent towards the crate containing the Ultimatrix. 

A worker spots the probe right before landing and opens fire on the target. The laser beams simply bounce off the probe's galvanic body. With the probe opening the Ultimatrix crate, the worker rushes to the control lever of the cargo door. They were directly above Earth, and the impact would kill the probe during descend. With the worker clutching the wall as to not fall himself, he takes his other hand and slams down the lever. The sound of hydraulics were heard as the floor of the cargo bay began opening. Right before the probe could grab the Ultimatrix, a large crate behind it slid down as the doors open. The probe and Ultimatrix were knocked directly out of the ship as well as several other crates containing damaged alien technology. 

The probe, not designed for velocity, quickly burst into pieces during entry into Earth's atmosphere. The crates catch fire, but remain mostly intact. The objects all begin falling into the forest below, causing a loud boom per object. 

"Ridiculous! I'll have to make a change of plans." Albedo says to himself angrily, before turning to another probe. "Go to earth. Find the Ultimatrix and bring it to me. And do not alert the attention of the Plumbers or Ben Tennyson." Albedo says to the probe, which then gives a tone three times to register his input.

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