The Story Telling

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On a remote island, were two friends in front of a campfire. One of them being a Protogen and the other being a human.

Jonathon: Hey Luke just a quick question.

Luke: Yes?

Jonathon: Were you always a Protogen or were you something else.

Luke: Well I used to be human once.

Jonathon: How?!

Luke : Well its a long story...

Jonathon was confused on how a human can turn into something that has fur and metal on its body.

Jonathon: How long?

Luke: Pretty long but ill still tell you the story anyways.

It was one happy sunny day, I heard a knock on the front door will I was eating a piece of pie with some milk on the kitchen table. That knock changed my life... I opened the door and saw a package on the floor. It was a package from my friend's company. In that package was a visor looking thing and piece of paper written "Luke I want you to do me a favor, I want you to hide that visor somewhere safe so that the CIA can't find it". I was confused. Why did the CIA want a dumb looking visor I asked myself until I saw a police car pull up to my house with four men inside. I asked them what's wrong and they pulled there guns out ready to shoot me.

Jonathon: Wait WHAT?!

Luke: Can I please finish the story...

Jonathon: Yeah sorry.

They wanted the visor immediately "why do you need it? It looks dumb plus its ugly and useless so why do you need it?" I said "its none of your business kid" one of them said. So I ran inside of my house with the visor like a dumb idiot. They started trying to bust the door open but luckily I put furniture Infront of the door to block it and then I left through the backdoor running to my car. I left as fast as I could before they would realize that I'm gone. I went to the city to get something to eat but something was off. There was no one there but me and the wind. Until I saw a ship coming from outer space land Infront of me "what the fuck is going on right now" I asked myself. I then saw five weird looking animals with armor, a visor and different colors of fur leaving the ship they were just in. Then, they looked at me scared pointing there futuristic laser guns "WHO ARE YOU" one of them said "my name is Luke please lower your guns I'm not gonna hurt you" I said while exiting the car. They then saw the visor inside my car and asked about it. I said that a friend gave it to me and I don't know what it is "PLEASE COME WITH US" they said loudly and I followed them stressed but relieved that I left the cops for good.

Luke: Ok that's enough for today.

Jonathon: Why?!

Luke: Dude... it's like 3 in the morning and I'm tired.

Jonathon: ok...

They both slept in seconds

Thank you for reading pt.1 of the story :)

The story of Luke the protogenWhere stories live. Discover now