t h i r t y t h r e e

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Today has been, weird- to say the least. 

Weird in the sense that today was different from every day I've had at school so far.

Why was school so weird? I'll give you one guess.

Sabrina Wild. 

I don't want to use the word clingy because there were points of the afternoon I've been alone. But affectionate might be the right word to use. 

Not only did we share an earth shattering kiss after lunch, but there's been a lot of eye contact. A lot of stolen looks, smiles, secret hand holding in the classes we were sat together in. That has never happened before.

Maybe they didn't amount to affection but it sure was weird. 

It feels like something's changed. I was confused. I have no idea what this thing between Sabrina and I is, if it even is a thing. All I know for sure is that weeks ago we were barely friends, and now describing us a friends just didn't seem to fit reality. 

Do I like Sabrina? Like, in that way? I want to say no, but that would be a lie. 

There's something about her that I can't ignore, something that draws me in every time. Being near her all day has been good, amazing even. 

So I can't help but feel guilty about what I was about to do. 

I felt guilty, but determined in the same sense. My aim of the day was to rile Sabrina up some how, get her defences down. I've been distracted so far, distracted by her smiles, her laughs, her eyes but now it's back to business. 

I felt nervous. And a little bad for Sarah. 

Sarah who I was now stood talking to. 

It's the end of the day and most of the students were outside, ready to make their way home. 

"Are you all caught up on the new episode?" Sarah asked. 

I nodded my head with a smile, not exactly sure what show she was talking about. What have I turned into? Using another person to make someone jealous? This isn't me.

Maybe I should just cut my losses and admit this wasn't a good plan, Sarah was a nice girl. She hadn't stopped smiling since I stopped her for a chat. 

Just as I was about to tell Sarah I'd see her later, I felt goosebumps rise on my arms. And that, is exactly why I needed to do this. All Sabrina needs to do was walk out the school building and I get goosebumps. That's not normal. 

I watched as she walked down the steps with Vanessa in tow, out eyes meeting automatically. She smiled for a moment, when her eyes flicked over to Sarah stood in front of me, then her eyes morphed into narrow splits. 

"Sorry what did you say?" I asked Sarah, bringing my attention back to her briefly. 

"I was just saying it's weird seeing you hang around Sabrina and her friends, what's that about?" Sarah asked with the smile still on her face. 

My eyes flicked between her and Sabrina. Sabrina was stood, shamelessly looking my way not even pretending to speak with Vanessa. 

"Oh yeah, well you know I'm good friends with Rory and he's friends with Sabrina sooo-," I trailed off giving Sarah a smile.

I was starting to believe that Sabrina had some form of heat ray vision, I could literally feel her gaze burning a hole in my head. I needed to wrap this conversation up before I melted in my spot. 

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