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"y/n, Where are you??" I heard his voice fading at last...!!!!!!

Tae's POV

I looked around the mansion but I couldn't find her anywhere, I thought she is just pranking on me but somewhere deep inside it told me that something is not going right...

I'm scared after a while, I ran inside and searched hoping that she is inside...


"Jungkook ahh, y-, y/n"

"What happened hyung? Why are you so-"

"No one came in?"

"No, where is y/n?"

"She isn't out, we were going to check around the mansion separately but I couldn't find her anywhere out"

"WHAT?" Lia came down shouting...

"So, what are you telling now, That she is been-" Jungkook was about to speak but was cut off when lia said "You better not complete that, Do something and get her"

"First let's go out and check," Jungkook said and we three went out to check...

We searched and searched the whole forest again but we failed in finding her...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" Lia shouted and I was scared when I heard that...

"Lia, What happened?" Jungkook ran to her just when we reached the mansion...

"It's a dead cat" My eyes widened and I switched on my phone torch...

I was shocked when I saw blood from a certain distance, I slowly touched it with my hand...

"It's still warm and it's giving a metallic smell, This must be her's," I said...

"What might have happened to her," Lia said crying her heart out...

We all went inside and I thought about what was happening, Is it that woman? For god sake why would she do that? If I come to know that it is her then I'll kill that lady in so many ways possible...

"Ahh, Do something" lia was so tensed and crying out

"I'm thinking, It's not something I can do out of anger, I might lose her and I don't want to do that" I shouted out...

"Think properly then, Think about all those people who have a grudge on you, or your competitors, Or maybe someone whom you provoked"

My eyes widened and got up immediately picking up my car keys...


y/n's POV

I opened my eyes and found myself in a dark room...

"Omo, are you awake? Nice to meet you again then" I heard that voice again, whose voice is the last one I feel like hearing all the time...

But I don't know why I'm scared this time, I'm scared like hell...

I couldn't imagine to which extent he might take this now, Suddenly lights went on and my face turned to a side as it is too much light and then I realized that I was tied to a bed, I looked at the ropes which are making my wrists to bleed, My head was aching like hell, My vision was also so blurry in that blurry sight one face is clear.


"Woah, That's a good job actually I thought you might lose your memory for that shot on your head, but you remembered me" He spoke sarcastically.

"leave me alone"

"You want me to? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?" That was loud enough, I don't know why but my brain didn't accept that loud noise, I felt like I might go deaf, I thought it may be because my head was in too much pain.

"What is it that you really wish for? Why are you targeting him?"

"BECAUSE HE IS MY BROTHER'S SON" My eyes widened and my breathing rate increased hearing his answer...


"My brother got everything he wished for and he is the king of everything, his desire and every wish come true and I'm the only one who is left alone all the time, so you know what I did?"

"Yo-u killed him?"

"I made your father kill him, poor fellow he likes his son too much, I just left a word that your son will be in danger, I didn't know he will take it that much seriously, He left his throne and was about to give his property to me just for his 'son', your father is a bastard he killed my brother for the money I offered"

I couldn't breathe anymore now, This is too much for me to handle, My father killed a person for money?

"For money?" I uttered...

"Money can change anyone y/n shi, Just like how your father killed my brother but my bloody brother wrote everything on his son's name and made him heir the throne as the king and got killed willingly, I was one step behind"

"How can you- just- be so cruel? Because of you, that family went through a lot and I went through a lot"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, HOW DARE YOU FIRE ME WITH A GUN AND LEFT ME IN SUCH A CONDITION???" He shouted so hard and I couldn't bare the sound anymore my eyes were about to fall...

"BOYS, REMOVE HER ROPES AND TURN HER INTO A MESS, I NEED TO HEAR HER" My eyes were wide open when that bastard uttered those words...

Four men made their way towards me, I'm so scared right now, I can feel the blood flow didn't stop from my neck "no, no leav-" They removed my ropes from my legs and wrists, One was about to touch me but I got down the bed, I was running and running to save myself, In all of this hardness I thought about one person 'Taehyung, make it soon' I thought to myself...

"Caught you" All of them surrounded me while laughing harder, I closed my eyes and covered my ears, They dragged me all the way to bed and threw me on it harshly, The blood oozed out more and more, A man harshly hovered me and two men held my hands and legs, I couldn't make a move, I was crying so badly, My tears are dropping down, blood was the only thing left to come out of my eyes, I felt so insecure...

They removed half of my dress and started touching me "Please, I beg you to leave me" I said and tried so hard, only my tears listened to me...

"LEAVE HER ALONE" I heard a voice that gave me hope...














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