No bitch, he's....

A whole fucking 12 year
old, he's only 5 years
younger than me & u.

Ain't no way

Exactly what I said. I'll see you when I get home, I got you a coffee.

"Here you go, that'll be ₩17,180" (I'm pretty sure that's correct and if im wrong, kill me)

"Here" I took the coffees, handed one to Pan and put the other two in the cup holders "Thank you"

Pan sipped slowly, I knew he liked it because the corners of his mouth lifted while he drank his coffee.

The first time I had coffee was when I was cleaning Koviks office as punishment for loosing my footing during some type of ballet practice.

I got pretty tired and he walked in while I was cleaning the floors, he had a large coffee in his hand.

It was winter and during training you don't have the suits you get once you graduate, built in heaters for the winter.

He kneeled next to me and held it out, he said it'd make me happy so I took it.

It didn't necessarily make me 'happy' but it made me feel warm, my small body warmed entirely, it was so warm I remember how much my chest warmed up.

From then on everytime I had a successful mission after graduation there was always a small but hot coffee in my quarters.

"Do you like it?"

"Mhm, so warm" He nuzzle the side with his cheek and had a little goofy grin.

I wonder which type of fighting style he'll have.

"Whats your favorite animal Pan?"

"Hmm, I don't know, I want them all"

"That's reasonable"

I would absolutely have every animal in the world if I had enough room for them.

Damn, I didn't get a coffee for Natasha, I could go back or tell her to deal with it....I'd be mad if she got Bella one and not me.

I turn the car around swiftly and head back towards the coffee shop.

"Where we going?"

"I forgot coffee for our friends" He seems to love his coffee "do you know your alphabet?"

"Some of it, I tried singing it with, you took me the day before he was going to come, he was going to tell me his name that day"

"Oh? What'd he look like?"

"Hmm, he was tall, big"

"Anyone is tall to you Pan, your small"

His mouth fell and he gave me one of the most offended looks I've seen him do.

I dragged my hand down his face "drink your coffee"


I rolled down my window and smiled at the young girl working.

"Sorry, I forgot to order some other drinks"

"Oh that's fine, what would you like?"

"A Java Chip Frappuccino, and two americanos please"

A Comfortable Silence (Jayxreader)Where stories live. Discover now