1ce a pon a thyme

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1ce a pon a thyme ther was a lovely garden gnome siting in a horse he's so lovely and he'd NEVER EVER EVER EVER hurt a fly. he was sad because he is sad. nooooo. anyway. a gorgeous lady named...... girlfriend appaeard from the dust on his shoe to cheer him up. she said "dap me up sad gnome boy" so he did because she was absofrickingloutekyfuckingshitholedickingdickhole stunning. a light bulb appaeard on gnomes head "what the duck that's not how physics work why is the lightbulb floating" said gnome and then he thought "omg i have an i dea" he then whipped out some paper and a pen from his buttcrack and immediately began scheming and plotting. girlfriend was impressed and concerned, how can a gnome buttcrack be so big? anyway she peeked over at his plans and wa s SHOCKED. she'd never seen something so flavbergastingly scandalous in her entire 5 minutes of life. she actually passed out. gnome jumped 4 meters high in shock and called 9onehunfredandonetyone

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