"Its just me, not the baby it's okay." I assured her. Billy told her to get out kinda harshly earning a slap from me.

"Tell me!" He demanded.

"I'm not skinny anymore, look at all the girls here starring. Waiting for you to get out and notice them. And here I am a whale." I threw my hands up covering my face as I felt my nose burn holding tears in.

"Sweetheart, shut the fuck up." He tore my hands from my face and gently grabbed my chin to look at him. "I don't care about them, fuck them. Let's go, it will be okay." He says. I mumbled a few choice of words before he got out and came to open my door, he helped me out and shut the door. I now felt and seen all the eyes starring, whispering started as they seen my belly. "Mine." He pushed me gently into his car, one hand on my cheek and the other on my belly as he leaned in to kiss me. Although it was public, it was the most passion I had felt him put into it.

"You're so cute." I smiled big, happy with him. He grabbed my bag putting it on his shoulder and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Now everybody knows you're mine, and that's my baby." He says out loud as we pass people. I noticed the girls still eye fucking him.

"I can't blame them starring at you, your ass is nice in those jeans." I giggled.

"Keep talking and I'll have to fuck you in my back seat." He whispered in my ear as we walk in the parking lot to the front doors. "There's lover boy." He smiled and waved at Steve as he got out of his car with Nancy. The hurt on Steve's face nearly pissed me off. He has chosen Nancy too many times over me for me to be upset anymore. But I love him and it did sting.

As we walked down the hall together, we went to my locker. I showed him my class schedule, and we have two classes together. He vowed to walk to every class with me carrying my things for me, not caring if he's late himself. As he walked me to first period he gave me a kiss and glarred at everybody whispering in the room. By this point most people knew to shut the fuck up. But by lunch people started to talk, only thing was, they weren't completely wrong. I don't know who the dad is, but how do they know that? Nobody but Nancy, Steve, and Billy know that, besides my parents and Robin but she wouldn't talk.


"Rose!" Chrissy called as she and a few others from the squad came to sit. We use to all be friends but, obviously I'm no longer on the squad.

"Hey, how was summer?" I asked politely as people pulled into fourth period.

"It was great. Listen me and the girls were talking, and want to know if you wouldn't mind if we threw you a baby shower." She asked happily.

"Wait what?" That was the last thing I expected from the most judgemental girls in this school, besides Nancy.

"Well you were one of us, so we only find it fair." Victoria says butting in.

"Yeah I mean, you can come back to the squad after the baby is born. For one last game or something before senior year is over." Chrissy said.

"Are you kidding me? Yes! I didn't expect to be treated this way." I laughed a little. I fully expected to be shamed and thrown to the side, but I guess being popular in the past has its perks.

"Don't get us wrong, people are talking. But you're one of us, we're not just going to throw you away." Tiffany shook her head as they began pulling their books out.

"Well yeah, a baby shower would be fun.  I find out the gender tomorrow." I smiled at them.

"It better be a girl!" Chrissy giggled.

The 30th (Billy and Steve Triangle.)Where stories live. Discover now