★The Quad's Bet (One Shot)★

Start from the beginning

I can't believe this, I entered with such force not to forget the sword in my hand, yet they didn't budge from their places neither did they stop bantering, nor did they cast a single glance in my direction.

Hai Mahadev!I honestly am so done with everything. For heaven's sake it's my room! Their rooms are more spacious and beautiful than mine. So why do they keep invading mine?

I shook my head in disbelief,placed my sword back in the scabbard and plopped on the couch.

Here I thought someone was spying on me, turns out the Princess's are having some secret meeting in my room. Marvelous!!

"Avani Di, I am saying you Adhvi Di likes my Bratha Krishna! I am definitely sure about this!" Princess Subhadra confidently exclaimed for which she received a droll stare from Princess Avantika and a snort from Princess Dusshala.

I on the other hand was surprised would be an understatement of the century. Hold on wait a second, what is she ev--

"Bhadra you are wrong, Adhvi Di most certainly likes my Jesht Bratha Duryodhan!" Princess Dusshala proudly stated. Prince Avantika and Princess Subhadra made a noise of disagreement.

I gaped at her words, I seriously cannot process this newfound information, are these both in their right state of mind? Anyways, I have full faith in Princess Avantika, she for sure will make them understand about, how Vika likes non--

"Oh no no! You both are wrong, I am damm sure that Adhvi doesn't see either of them in such a way. They are her friends and nothing more. Nevertheless, I feel like if Adhvi is going to marry any of the Kuruvanshi then it undoubtedly will be Yuvraj Yudhishthir." Avantika answered with a smirk,her response positively shook me like nothing else.

I shook my head in disapprobation. Nevermind, she is making her own theories here, I was a fool to even think Princess Avantika would simply disagree. But why Yuvraj?

"Avani Di! That's not possible at all. I mean come on Jesht Bratha Yudhishthir is really silent, he doesn't speak unnecessarily. He is the epitome of patience and graciousness. " Princess Dusshala responded with a look of disbelief. Princess Subhadra nodded her head in agreement.

However, Princess Avantika's smirk widened. I arched a brow at this! What is going on in her mind? She seems really confident about this absurd theory of hers.

I was eagerly waiting for her reply but much to my dismay, Princess Subhadra piped in.

"Prince Duryodhan is really stubborn and they both argue like there is no tomorrow, so Dushi I don't think their pair could do any good for either of them. They unquestionably will fight every two seconds over nothing to everything, yesterday I saw them fighting over a glass of water.

Can you believe this? There were like twelve more filled glasses of water. Yet they both wanted the same glass. Atlast Angraj had to enter before they both started attacking each other and I don't know what he did or said, but that worked like magic as both Adhvi Di and Prince Duryodhan drank water from different glasses. By this incident you can see how compatible they are!! They can become good friends, more than that isn't really safe for any of us." Princess Subhadra commented with a shudder. I can very well see what she is implying on.

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