My Boy

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I love projecting my gender dysphoria onto characters. Keith is my next victim :))
Little: Keith
Cg: Lance

Keith glared at the body in the mirror in front of him. It wasn't him, and yet it was the person who always stared back. Keith tried everything he could to make them go away. Too many overlapped sports bras, masculine makeup, baggy clothes. And yet he still never saw himself.

Keith sighed as he messed with his baggy shirt, trying to hide his chest more. He was never satisfied. He wished his binder fit correctly. He'd given it to his friend who had needed it more then him at the time. He didn't have bad chest dysphoria then, and offered to let his friend see if it fit. The friend ended up stretching it out. He still wore it, even though it didn't have the same effect it use to. He of course didn't blame his friend either. It was just an accident.

He hoped he'd be able to get a new binder soon. He wished his parents were accepting of his identity. Instead they started making him go to church when they found out. He just zoned it out the whole time. Fuck that bullshit.

Keith sighed as he gave up on messing with his shirt. There wasn't much else he could do. God his back was going to die because of his posture. But he couldn't bring himself to stand straight. He had to hide his chest.

"Keith? Are you about done in there Mullet? We're gonna be late!" Keith turned when he heard Lance call from his room. Keith cursed when he glanced at his phone, seeing the time. They needed to leave about then to get to their date. Lance decided to take him on a picnic date.

"Coming!" Keith called as he exited the bathroom. Walking over to the closet he grabbed his shoes and sat next to Lance on the bed. As he lifted his leg to put his shoe on, Lances hand moved to rest on his arm. Keith looked up emitting a noise of confusion.

"Hey what's wrong? You look upset!" Lance asked. Keith lifted an eyebrow, and shook his head. "What? I'm fine Lance." He played it off. Unfortunately for him, Lance had learned to see through his mask. "I don't wanna push you so you don't need to tell me anything, but you know you can confide in me, right?" Lance asked. A lump grew in Keith's throat, and he averted his gaze away from Lances pleading blue eyes. "Ye—ah. I know. I just... I don't know." Keith's voice cracked, and he internally punched himself for it. Lance sighed. "Want a hug?"


Lance move to pull Keith into his arms. Keith grabbed tightly onto the fabric over Lances back, snuggling into the taller boys warmth. "I just.... wish I was a real boy. I hate this." His voice wobbled, and tears soaked into Lances button up.

"Oh Keith... please don't talk like that. I know those thoughts hurt, but their wrong. Their intrusive thoughts. Fake. Not real. Their there to hurt you. Their not the truth though." Lance forced his own tears back. He couldn't understand what Keith was going through, and he never would. But his heart hurt seeings how it affected his lover. Lance wished he could take those thoughts away.

"How do you know their false though?....even if they are there to hurt me they could still be true." Keith sobbed. Lance frowned as he rubbed his boys back.

"Their not true because gender doesn't equal sex baby. Their two different things. You are a boy, Keith. Have been and always will be. Your my boy. Do you know what I thought when I first saw you?" Lance asked, voice clear and without any hesitation or lies evident. Keith hummed in question into Lances neck.

"I thought ''Holy hell that is one hot boy. I wonder if he would give me his number." Keith laughed at this, and playfully swatted his lovers shoulder. "You're ridiculous."

Lance hummed. "Maybe. But you get my point, and I did get that hot boys number." They both laughed as Keith sat up, and leaned back to wipe his tears. Lances hands lowered down to hold Keith by his waist.

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