Happy Ever After

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!!WARNING!! BIG time jump!!

You and Eddie made it to graduation. You ended up eventually confronting your parents. But you told them that you needed to move on and lead a new life. You got a job at the Video Store with Robin and Steve and saved up enough to actually buy a house.

You and Eddie moved in together.

You were SO happy.

(present day)

You wake up and feel a sudden sickness in your stomach, you jump out of bed and run into the bathroom.

Eddie wasn't home because he had to go give Dustin and Mike a ride to school.

You look at the calendar.

"Holy shit" you say out loud. "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT!" you throw you hands over your face and immediately put clothes on and grab your keys.

You speed out your driveway and drive the 4 minutes to buy a pregnancy test. Just go be sure you bought 3.

You rush back home and start chugging water after about 10 minutes you have to pee.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck"

That's all you can think to yourself.

You pee on all three and then put them face down and walk out the bathroom. After about 15 minutes you hear Eddie pull in and you immediately run into the bathroom and turn the shower on to sound like you're showering.

"Y/N IM HOME LOVE!" Eddie yells.

Eddie knocked on the bathroom door. "can i come in"

"Eddie just hold on i'm getting out right now just wait!" you shout over the running water.

You turn over the tests

Test one
+ positive

Test Two

+ positive

Test Three
+ positive

"holy shit..." you whisper.

"Y/n are you okay babe seriously?" Eddie cracks open the door.

You grab the test and put them in your back pocket. "Did you shower?" Eddie asks confused.

"No. I uhm i didn't..." you're so overwhelmed you start crying and almost fall to your knees. Eddie moves quickly and hold you.

"Y/N sweetheart what's going on" Eddie says as he looks at you scared and confused.

"Eddie...let's go sit on the couch please" You grab Eddies hand and he walks with you to the living room. He sits down but you stay standing.

"Y/n...what the hell is going on you're freaking me the fuck out..." Eddie starts messing with his rings which is his tell that he's anxious.

You grab Eddies hand and squeeze it. "Eddie...you know that guest room..." Eddie tilts his head in genuine confusion. "You almost fainted  over that?"


Eddie jumps up. "REALLY? YOU'RE REALLY PREGNANT?!?!" Eddie hugs you.

You smile as Eddie lifts you off the ground.

"Eddie i love you!"

"Y/n will you marry me?"

Your face drops. "Eddie..." You smile.

"Yes Eddie "The Freak" Munson i will marry you!" You jump into his arms.

Eddie smiles. "Y/n from the second i laid my eyes on you i couldn't even picture myself without you and now i get to spend the rest of my life with i love you so much."

You couldn't help but look into Eddies eyes, you were so ready for the future, you couldn't be happier at the idea that you're bringing a child you're bringing into this world with the man you love.

You grabs Eddies face. "Eddie we have to tell everyone!"

"Let's invite them all to dinner!" Eddie kisses you as he runs into the kitchen.

(At Dinner)

You sit down at the table and look at Eddie. You grab his hand and squeeze it.

You stand up and everyone looks at you.

"I uhm Eddie and i have something we wanted to tell you all." You look down and then back up at everyone at the table.

"First is we're getting married."

"HOLY SHIT" Dustin exclaims with a smile.

"Y/N CONGRATS!!" Nancy stands up hugging you.

"Thank you but that's not all." You smile and look at Eddie signaling him to stand up.

Eddie puts his hands together.

"Okay guys spit it out you're scaring me" Mike says.

"Y/n is pregnant" Eddie blurts out.

Everyone at the table gasps in excitement.

"HOLY SHIT A LITTLE BABY MUNSOM HOW CUTE!" Robin says running over and rubbing your belly.

"Congrats freak!" Steve says patting Eddie on the back. "Cant wait for you to be the cool uncle Steve!" You say hugging Harrington.

Joyce gives you and Eddie the biggest hug.

Hopper looks at Eddie and grabs his shoulder. "Take care of her Munson" he warns before hugging him and then you. 

Everyone else finishes congratulating you.

You told Eddie earlier you weren't ready to tell you parents. In fact you didn't ever want to tell them. You also explained that to your siblings.

As you look around at everyone talking you can't help but smile. You were surrounded by family. And starting your own little family with your soon to be husband.

Eddie walks over and pulls you in kissing you.

"You okay?" He asks with a smile.

You smile as you sway back and forth with Eddie and kiss him. "More than ever."

The Freak Eddie Munsonxreader Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat