The Date

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A/N- I'm gonna start this chapter off with some Steve pov to change things up but you'll know when it changes back to Y/N

*Steves Pov**

You walk outside after dustin told you about Eddie and Y/n. As upset as you are you understand, you tell the kids that you're gonna walk outside and get some air. As you walk outside you hear something. "Eddie" y/n yells. You look up and see them making out, you scoff and without thinking start walking over to  Eddie and Y/N. "Hey Eddie" you throw your hand up waving once. "Sup y/n" you nod. Eddie rolls his eyes. "Do you need something Harrington?!" Eddie snaps. "Eddie!" y/n hits his shoulder and smiles. "Hi Steve what's up?" You stop glaring at Eddie and look over to Y/N you sigh and respond with "Oh nothing much you know just the usual babysitting" you laugh.

"Ahh i see!" y/n awkwardly smiles and looks at Eddie. "Hey y/n are you and Eddie going to that party tonight?" Y/n looks at Eddie and Eddie responds. "Uhhh what party?" "The one at my house tonight everyone's going!" y/n cuts Eddie off before he can say anything "I don't know Steve i'll talk to Eddie about it" y/n smiles you smile back "Welp i'll uhh...i'll see you around y/n... AND same with you Eddie" you awkwardly laugh and start to walk away. "Totally, see yuh around Steve!" Y/n waves as Eddie just stares at you and mocks a smile. You head back into Max's house and sit on the couch. Dustin walks over. "I see you went over to Eddie and Y/n". You roll your eyes and sigh. "Steve. Y/n is happy and she's with Eddie don't do anything stupid" Dustin looks at you seriously. You nod and respond. "Henderson... i'm not gonna do something stupid..." Dustin interrupts "Steve i know you and how you get when you set your eyes on a girl". He gives you a friendly smile. "...I know...i'll just distance myself." "HEY DUSTIN, STEVE LOOK LUCAS GOT STUCK IN A CHAIR!" Max yells from her room. You and Dustin jump up and run to the room.

**Y/N's Pov**

You watch Steve walk away and then look up as Eddie you can tell he is livid. "Eddie don't let him get to you like this!" you say as you take the blunt out his hand and walk back inside the trailer knowing he would follow you. You walk in and plop on the couch and put the finished blunt in the ashtray. Eddie sits next to you and you sit on his lap kissing him as he grabs your hips and pulls you. Suddenly you jump up. Walk by the kitchen and jump on the counter that's there. "So Ed's what do you want to do today!" He looks at you confused then laughs. "You're so gonna regret that pretty girl!" He stand ups and walks over to you. He stands in between your legs and his hands grab your thighs, you stop his hands. "Seriously Eddie i wanna go out on a date." You say giving him sad eyes you haven't shown me off anywhere and i want everyone in town to know..." you push him softly and jump off the counter doing a spin and say "...i'm dating the FREAK Eddie Munson" you laugh as he stands there and blushes while he puts his hair in front of his face. You walk over to him and wrap your arms around his neck and lean into him like you're gonna kiss him then you walk away heading into his room to change. "WHATS with ALL the teasing Wheeler" you laugh as you slip off the Pj pants and you put on some black ripped jeans and then you slip off the shirt and you notice Eddie staring and quickly looking away. "EDDIE MUNSON are you STARING!!" you laugh as you walk to his closet and then turn back facing him. He smiles. "Ed's pick me a shirt to wear pleeeaaase!" you beg. He walks over to his closet and pulls out a extra Hellfire Club shirt. "of course!" You smile as you struggle to clasp your bra. "Fuck Eddie can you help me" you sigh. "y- yea" he smiles and walks over, you turn around and he slowly clasps your bra. You turn around again as he wraps his arms around your waist and you push his long curly hair away from his face and pull him in for a kiss. Then you back away and slip on the HellFire shirt. "alright naughty boy i'm going to fix my hair you go get ready!" you smile walking over to his mirror.

You finish fixing your hair and sit on Eddies bed and slip your converse on. Eddie walks out the bathroom and you stand up. "SO let's head to that party" you smile. "uhhh y/n i don't know, i'm not a party person plus it's a STEVE the HAIR Harrington party" he said waltzing around his room. "Please Ed's i want you too show me off" you say pulling him in kissing him. "Alright alright alright you've convinced me" Eddie smiles. "BUT! we have to get something to eat real quick first!" Eddie says as you gasp! "Munson you read my mind IM STARVING". You both jump in the van and head to a small local restaurant the party didn't start till 9pm and it was only 6. "FUCK Eddie you drive like you want to die!!!" you yell. Eddie laughs.

You pull into the parking lot and Eddie parks the van. You lean over and kiss Eddie catching him off guard. "So Eddie you're letting me pay right? you say pulling away from him. "Haha you're funny pretty girl uhm no!" you roll your eyes. "Oh come on let's switch it up let's go against the gender norms" you laugh. Eddie scoffs then you both get out.  You walk in and immediately you're met with stares. "Table for two" Eddie says gripping your hand as a reaction to all the unwanted stares. As scary as Eddie made himself out too be he was riddled with anxiety like all the time. You sit down you got a booth so you both decide to sit next to each other. "Whatcha getting Munson." you say staring into his eyes. "Shit i don't know" he says then covering his mouth laughing then correcting himself by saying "shoot! i don't really know what i want, what about you?"

You pretend to read the menu... "A salad" you smile.

Your waitress walks over. "What can i start y'all off with". "I want a water" you reply. "Same" Eddie answers. "Two waters and are we ready to order?"

"Uhh yea" you respond "i'm getting the classic garden salad" you glance over at Eddie. "oh sorry, i'll get the-" Eddie stops as he feels your hand grab his knee and slowly go up then move away. "Sorry what was that sir?" the waitress asks. "Just a cheeseburger and fries" He smiles and hand the menus to the waitress. "Perfect that'll be out shortly!" the waitress walks away.

"what was that?" Eddie whispers.

"Just felt like spicing dinner up!" you laugh.

The waitress hands you two your waters and walks away.

15 minutes later...

"alright here's your food!" the waitress smiles. "i'll be back shortly with the bill enjoy you two!" she walks away.

As you go to eat your salad you feel Eddies left hand meet the zipper on your jeans. His hand glides over and you grab his hand stopping him. "Okay okay i deserved that, let's eat" you smile and nudge Eddie.

30 minutes later the waitress comes back with the bill and you finish up your salad. Eddie pays and two leave.

As you get in the car you look at Eddie and he catches you. "You see something you like" Eddie winks. "I love you Eddie" you blurt out. "I love you pretty girl" he responds. "ALRIGHT to the party you say pointing forward. Eddie laughs. "yay!" he says sarcastically.

A/N LONG chapter but who's ready for this party????

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