Chapter Nineteen

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People began to hysterically laugh and I smiled.

"Alright, keep on doing your work."

Miguel nodded to the class and looked back at Dante. 

"What did you do to your hair?" he asked him, "And why are you wearing color contacts?"


"Speak English."


I laughed and Miguel glared at me.

"He was taking English classes for two years and doesn't even know what I'm saying. He's even transferring here man, oh my God."

"I sorry." he frowned.

"Aww, his Italian accent is adorable!" I cooed.

"Oh come on." said Miguel with the roll of his eyes, "You love my tongue roll."

I scoffed and went to my seat. I watched Dante and Miguel speak Italian to each other. I never really saw two Italian people exchange words like this, it was actually pretty interesting. Then, Miguel raised his hand in a motion to slap him, but balled his fist and put it back at his side.  Miguel pointed at his desk and Dante sat at it. After exchanging more words, Miguel came to my desk.

"Should I help teach him English?" I asked.


"I mean, he is transferring to our school, he has to learn more English to graduate."

"You're right." said Miguel, "And he did promise to come find me if I left home. I want to know how he found me, maybe one of my dad's agents."

"Wait a second, you keep on mentioning your father's agents. Who exactly is your father?"

"Ah..." he said with the shake of his head, "You wouldn't know him."

"Come on, at least tell me?"

"Miguel Romano Senior." he said with a chuckle.

"Aww, so you're the second?"

"Correct." he said with the nod of his head, "Which is why you don't know who my father is. You would've known by my name."

"Oh..." I said with the nod of my head.

Suddenly, a sharp pain to my private area had me scream. The class went silent and I began to groan in pain.

"What happened?! Where are you hurt?!" yelled Miguel.

His brother rushed over to us and said something that almost made me kill him.


I glared at him and squinted my eyes shut. That bitch Lucy! People jumped from their seats and gathered around me. I weakly got up and walked out of the class. The pain was spreading everywhere and I cried out in pain again. 

"I called the main office, someone should be here to cover." he said in a haste, "Let me take you to the nurse."

"I can walk." I muttered, clutching my stomach and limping to the direction of the nurse.

"You're in pain, let me take you!" he yelled.

"No, Miguel." I said, turning the corner.

He stopped me and looked me in my eyes.

"Let me do this." he whispered, "As your teacher, let me do my job. Let me help you as my student."

I nodded and let him carry me in his arms. I just realized all this time I was talking to him... and now he's carrying me in his arms to the nurse. I felt another sharp pain in my stomach and bit my bottom lip. I looked up at him and blushed at how serious his face was. When I flicnhed at the pain, he told me it'll be over soon and started to run. In less than ten seconds, we was at the nurse.

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