Chapter 1

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"Every second is highlight, when we touch don't ever let me go. Dirty dancing in the moonlight. Take me down like I'm a domino." I sang happily while getting dressed.

I pulled my jeans on over my boxers before going to my closet and picking out a v-neck shirt. I put on some vans and pushed my hair out of my eyes lightly to no avail.

I huffed and walked to the door after putting on deodorant and cologne.

I opened the door and nearly had a stroke.

"Jesus. Jace what the hell?" I asked putting my hand over my chest.

In response he chuckled before saying "I heard you singing. You're really good so I decided to listen."

"Pft yeah. Sure " I exhaled. "Well are you taking me to school or aren't ya?" I asked exasperatedly.

"Yeah yeah." Jace responded following me down the stairs.

Jace was my best friend. He was freaking beautifully perfect. Straight A's, played every sport handsome, always smells amazingly sexy too. He didn't care that I was gay either. So that was good. His body. I could eye rape him all day long. Mmmm. The thoughts I had about this boy.

When I first realized I loved Jace I tried not to accept it. But it was useless so I gave in and just fell completely in love with him.

We bounded down the stairs and out the door to Jace's car. I climbed in the passenger seat and buckled up while Jace buckled up ad started the car in he drivers seat. The drive was filled with he usual conversation. Jace's girlfriends.

It seemed to me that he was constantly getting new ones. His longest relationship I think was three weeks.

"So anyways Vanessa was all over me dude. Drunk as hell to. I told her to stop but she wouldn't listen to me. The only choice I really had was to throw her into that pull." Jace explained last nights events to me while I died of laughter in that seat. When Jace laughed my heart felt like it was soaring through space. It was beautiful. Honestly. I know I know. Sounds like some sappy movie or something I know. But it was true
It was beautiful. Simply mind blowingly beautiful.

"You *laughs* threw her in the *laughs* p-pool" I stammered between laughs before erupting in a fit of laughter.

"Yeah I had no choice!" He defended while turning to look at me after stopping at a red light.

"Why is this so funny to you?" He asked with an amused smirk playing on his perfect lips.

I couldn't control myself enough to answer him though. So instead he just started driving when the light turned green.

We were almost to school and I'd have to face that thing he called a girlfriend.

5 minutes later I was stepping out of the car and wincing at the shrieking coming out of Vanessa's mouth as she tackled Jace in a hug.

'Pft. Hag.' I thought to myself. Just then my friend Alayna came to rescue me.

"Hey sexy." She joked with me. "Ready to go to class?" She asked looping her arm in mine and lugging me up the steps and into the school building.

"Alayna we don't even have the same class." I said while being pulled through the hallways.

We stopped in front of my locker she turned to look at me. "I can't walk you to your french class?" She pouted.

"I'm not defenseless." I said after I closed my locker. I had enough money to get rid of all my problems. I was rich.

As if she could read my mind she pointed out that I was too scared to use my wealth as a tool of protection. Damn. She knew me too well.

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