CHAPTER XIV: Knight of Swords

Start from the beginning

"See? He's perfectly fine," Sally answers, but Technoblade doesn't seem to agree. However, he still keeps his mouth shut. Niki simply looks at Sally angrily. She isn't going to shit on Wilbur for claiming that nothing's wrong: the guy is either deluded or he's in denial. But Sally? Sure, the siren hates her ex-partner's guts, but she can at least feel a little sympathy, right?

"He's not fine," Niki argues. "I mean, physically, maybe, but mentally he's very unwell." Technoblade nods at her words as he too now takes a step forward. He sighs.

"Come on, guys. Let's leave Wilbur alone so he can have more time to recover." Wilbur looks at him offendedly.

"I don't need to recover, I'm fine!" he reassures but none of them actually agree, including Sally. So, when they leave his room, Wilbur's left alone in his chamber, staring out of the window with many thoughts racing through his head.

What exactly happened yesterday, still confuses him, and he's still fully unsure of what it was that he felt through his body right when his teeth sank into your neck, but he can't help but keep thinking about it. He has no idea how to describe it. It's something that gave him so much energy, despite giving him so much tiredness. It's almost exciting, in a way, but at the same time agonizing. Honestly, he doesn't even know what to do now. God, the many things he felt during those few seconds before passing out against the wall... It's al so confusing and he himself doesn't understand where the positive opinion comes from.

He also doesn't know if it comes from you or from something else. But he does know that it's a terrifying feeling, one that he only wishes to discover and know more about. After letting out a deep exhale, he tries to relax while his elbows remain on the windowsill. Closing his eyes, he tries to go through the event yesterday. You running away, him allowing you to run so it would become more of a chase, him catching you, him biting you, and then, whatever the fuck happened.

Right, the electricity. The wave of energy that went through his body, leaving him unable to move until the waves stopped. The feeling of being burnt on the inside out without dying. But something that shocked him the most: the feeling of a heartbeat.

Being a vampire, brings many positive things with it, but a heartbeat is something that Wilbur never thought he'd experience. But since he's born as one and not turned, like his brothers, he never thought he missed out. And yet, in that one moment of electrocution, he felt it. He could feel it beat inside of his chest, like a corpse in a void just revived for a few seconds before falling down again. The little bit of sunshine to shine through otherwise dark clouds blocking it away. A feeling that he never imagined to ever feel, and yet, he is already wishing to experience it again.

It's so odd. So foreign. Such a weird emotion that he wants to experience again. And again. And again. And again.

And even if his father doesn't allow him to leave, he can't stop him if he doesn't know he leaves, after all.

Wanting to clear your mind and process everything that's been going on, you take a stroll through the forest on your own after having returned to the apartment complex with Jack and Jared. Neither of them you told about what Ponk and Puffy told you, despite Jack noticing that you too were keeping something from them. He didn't ask, though.

Jared joked around with you about the weird energy thing, coming up with all kinds of fun ideas as to where it even came from. The first idea was that you were the new version of the warlock Merlin. The second idea was a joke about you being some kind of a descendant of a Greek god, which in your case sounded like the most realistic considering those people really did not know how to keep it in their pants. The third but last idea was that you were just lucky.

But having heard Ponk's theory, you really don't think that it was just a coincidence.

At first, when you returned home, you thought of calling your parents. However, you chose against it instead, coming up with literally any excuse that would count. And this led to you deciding to walk through the forest. Since you're still a little on edge, slowly freaking out only more because of the words of your doctors and what this might mean for the other events in your life that have happened, you have taken a bag with you with some salt and silver, feeling weird doing it but still realizing that you're not overreacting because the town is not a human town.

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