Chapter 8

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                    Mihrişah Sultan

"Rabia I can't believe that woman is going to halvet to Süleyman, I can't even think about that," I nervously walked around my chambers as I was ready to explode when I've heard that information. I was thankful to Sadika for saving my children, but I couldn't believe she would be the one to lay in Süleyman's bed.

"Sultanım, calm down please. Those were really stressful days, you shouldn't preoccupy your mind with Sadika," Rabia tried to calm me down but nothing could've do it.

"Someone wanted to burn our children, Melek is pregnant, they shot Şehzade Demir and now Valide sends Sadika to His Majesty, things couldn't get any worse," I sat down on my couch trying to calm myself. In the last week only horrible things happened and there was no even a minute of peace.

I got up and checked up on Bezmiâlem who was sleeping peacefully in her crib while Murad slept in his bed which was in the same chambers as mine. I thanked God for saving them in the fire and for them not to be hurt while the arrow shot Demir in the gardens. I was sad for the prince who was hurt, and I was sure Mahidevran had her fingers in this because Demir was second eldest son next to Mustafa and he was his biggest competition. Prince has done nothing wrong to get hurted just because someone doesn't love him or his mother.

"Bülbül Ağa, I want you to find two more maids who will always be with my children. After those events I am afraid for them and I wouldn't forgive myself if anything bad happens to them," I said and he nodded immediately went to search the loyal maids who would be in my service. I wanted them to guard my children always so scenarios like those wouldn't happen anytime.

"Sultanım, do you think Mahidevran Sultan would really shot Şehzade?" Rabia asked me as I returned to my couch and she sat next to me. She was not just my servant but also my only friend here.

"I am asking myself the same thing, does she have so much evil in herself to wish to kill innocent child?" I was thinking. And every time I would get to the mind that I would never do something like this no matter what, because none child deserved to die just because of someone's ambition and wish for power.

The night passed and I barely had some sleep because of the constant worry about the last incidents. Bülbül has bring two new maids who I still haven't had trusted, but Rabia was always with them and my children so nothing bad could happened.

"Has Sadika returned to harem?" I asked Bülbül when he visited me in the morning. Not only that my children were my worry now, but it was also if Süleyman would fall in love with Sadika the same way he did with me.

"She haven't, Sultanım," he muttered being ashamed to even tell that in front of me. I felt such an anger in my heart but also how my heart is breaking into million pieces knowing he is with a woman the same way he was with me few years before.

"After me he haven't had any new concubines, and now she came," I hissed. I knew I have nothing to do in this moment or any way to stop her, because I would only push Süleyman away from myself the same way Mahidevran did when she threatened me when I arrived. I knew I have to learn on everyone else's mistake they have done in Harem before and not to repeat them because I would get punished, and I wouldn't endure to be separated from my Süleyman or my children.

"Mommy, can we go to see brother Demir? I'm really worried about them," Murad walked towards me and I kissed his forehead and took him into a hug. I knew he loved his brother so much and this was very good decision.

"You thought well of it, we can go my Şehzade," I said and took Murad's hand into mine and we started to walk towards the infirmary where Demir was. I saw Mustafa and Mahidevran were in the infirmary.

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