Chapter 14: The Witch Hunts

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"You go to the Tower, i am right behind you!", the Witch Tammin followed said. Despite Tammin having absolutely no clue where the tower is located, she said: " i meet you there!"

'Wish my glasses didn't fell off, cause i still have no clue where i am going', she thought. She is only going to what her gut is telling her to do.

She somewhat did recognize the place she was currently in. From what she could tell, she was currently in Vigrid Streets. She then heard a sound. She gulped and knew it were Gracious, Glorious, Grace and Glory standing right behind her.

"Out of all the angels i could've meet, why the fuck am i put up with you four?", she said in a whining tone.

"Doesn't matter. I can take you all on just fine", she said taking out the Kaïto. 

Spoiler alert: she couldn't take them all just fine. She did managed to get one in a torture attack, but she couldn't handle them on her own. She never could, fighting on her own.

Glory managed to throw away her sword, and with the lack of eyesight, Tammin couldn't focus where it was. She took out her guns, but she doubted that it was going to do something. And as Gracious and Glorious had the ability to disable Witch Time, she knew she was screwed.

The three remaining angels had her cornered to a wall, and no other Witch was in sight to save her. But that didn't mean she was going to give up however.

'At least i will die honorable right?', was the only thing that went through her mind. Before she could do something though, cards had gotten in her way and destroyed. She knew those cards!

"Loki?", she said as she looked around for him.

"You really should be more careful love", she heard. Thanks to her glasses, she couldn't make out where she was, she did feel someone hug her though.

"I am glad you're okay", she heard him say. She was startled, but hugged him back anyway. 

"What was all that? One time we are in Inferno and the next-", she couldn't finished her sentence before she felt something on her lips. Was Loki now seriously kissing her!?

She pushed him away. "What the-", she said before he did it again. She felt kinda forced to kiss back, she wasn't planning on hurting his feelings. But when she came back to her senses and backed away she said: " We just know each other today, and this is the wrong time and pl-" again. Though, she dinally noticed the outfit he was wearing. It wasn't in orange. It was blue.

She pushed him away. He could only smile, but it wasn't a nice one. Knowing that she had figured him out

"Who the fuck are you?", she said.


Harley and his mother almost made it to the Clock Tower. Harley however still had so many questions, but he knew that his mom might not have the answers he needs.

"We would have known the outcome if the relationship between me and your father came out. One would be imprisoned and the other one would be exiled. We couldn't take the risk. We saw the Clan Wars as an escape. We did escape for a bit and did whatever we wanted. 

But then THIS all happened. They wouldn't rest until all Witches were dead. They would kill the whole world if they needed too. So we did the only thing that was logical. We returned and would help my Umbran Sisters in the Hunts", his mother said.

"That's what you wanted to know right? I still don't know why i would have lied about it however."

Harley wanted to say that he was shocked, but he honestly wasn't. His life was already so messed up to ever be surprised ever again.

"We are almost at the Clock Tower, go there please. And if you meet your sister, tell her that i am proud of you both", his mother said.

Sure she is still yet to give birth to them and she disliked it that they went on her and their father's path, but she is proud that her children have become strong.

"Goodbye mom."

"See you soon", his mom said as he then went away. He couldn't believe it, he finally had the chance to talk to his mom again after all these years, only to see goodbye again.

But he did see this coming, he couldn't stay with her that long. He couldn't mess up the time line. If he did, chances are high that he won't be able to be born. But knowing that he still is here, must mean that nothing has changed at all.

'Right, Tower. I hope that the others are already there, cause who knows what can happen if they are not", Harley said as he hurried to the Tower that was now in sight.


Elize lost count of how many angels she had slaughtered by now. She saw her Umbran Sisters being killed all over again. This event had haunted her a lot, even after all those centuries. And being back here didn't made things any better.

Elize was already happy she didn't saw her past self, cause that would be another problem. From what she can remember, her past self should now be looking for Jeanne and the Cereza from this time. 

'I am unable to change things. These events aren't going to change shit! In the present, this already happened. We were here all along! I can't save anyone, not even if i would try! The outcome would always be the same!', she thought as she beheaded an Affinity.

She knew that the Clan Wars mixed with humanity led to this moment. Humanity feared the Witches their power. And that being mixed with the hatred of the Angles, the Witch Hunts soon started. 

She saw Rosa and Bayonetta arrive. Harley wasn't all that far behind.

"Where is my sister??", Harley asked. None of them gave an answer. Now he was extremely worried. What if she didn't survive?

He couldn't think of that at the moment though. All of them have some work to do.

Disclaimer/reminder: I don't change endings, i just add a character 

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