Chapter 7: The Ark

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Once they all got on the floor, or whatever they landed up on, they stood up and looked around.

"Great, now we are further from where we started!", Tammin said in frustration.

"Shit! Why am i the only one stuck in the drink!?", Loki said as he fell in the water.

"I feel like i have seen this place before", Loki said as he showed another vision.

His blue counterpart was shown in it again. "At last, you stand before me without escape. This isn't your world, and you should not be in it. What was once one, must be one once again! You must be turned to nothing!", he said as he attacked Loki.

Only for him to throw one of those cards again. When that happened, the thing they all stood up on activated.

"What the hell?", Elize muttered. How could she not see that this one some kind of driving device?

"Are you alright?", Harley said to Loki. It's not why he doesn't like him all that much, that he shouldn't be worried.

Kidding. Harley does like Loki somewhat, he just doesn't like ut when he attempts to flirt with Tammin. And he didn't even do that that much.

"Yeah, i'm fine. Now i am sure that i have seen this room before. If you are all still planning to go to Inferno, i might know a short cut", Loki said as he stood up.


"I'm remembering. What i really am."


"This baby is pretty fast i gotta admit. We reach Inferno in no time", Elize said as she sat down.

They almost could go and safe Jeanne.

"You said you were remembering what you really are. Are you a magician or something?", Tammin asked Loki.

He looked like he was trying to hold back a laugh. 

"Not really, something more powerful then that", Loki answered. He still doesn't remember everything, but just some parts of it.

Then all of a sudden, another Infernal had showed up. 


"It seems like that Infernal doesn't want us close to the Gates. Bad pet. Why do you people break the contract?", Elize said while she rolled her eyes.

"Well, you were right about the shortcut. But i think they have send a welcoming party", Bayonetta said as all of them got ready to fight it.

"From what i know, they eyes are it's weak spot and it's weapon, I suggest we go attack that first", Harley said as he swam to the eye.

Ah yes. It isn't mentioned yet, but they are currently in the water to get to the Gates Of Hell.

It shot a giant laser at them, destroying part of the device in the process, but it wasn't destroyed completely.

"What is this with Infernals and lasers? Can't you all come up with something else?", Harley said.

It's like Infernals all have the same tricks, it makes them predictable.

"Last time i checked, this is like the only Infernal i saw that uses lasers brother."

They had to avoid the tentacles from the damn thing, cause they were hot and could shoot lasers as well. 

Elize activated her Umbran Climax and started to use it pretty much everywhere on the Infernal. It took care off that one of it's eyes stopped functioning.

"One down, one more to go", Tammin muttered as she saw bullets coming out of Insidious his mouth.

"Are you for real? Are you fucking for real!?", she shouted as she activated Witch Time and avoided everything just fine.

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