Chapter III

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Richard woke up in the middle of the collapsing crypts

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Richard woke up in the middle of the collapsing crypts. Flames were everywhere, consuming the Memorial Park above it. Even though the Ventrue Resilience saved his life, Rick was still deeply wounded and shocked. He stood up, barely holding up the weight of his body, and climbed the nearby debris which led him to the surface. His mind was still shocked and vision hazy, but looking at Hope, he could see nothing but fire. People and Kindred were fighting off the Sabbat members, trying to defend what's left of their town. It was unbelievable to watch what he tried to control so hard, crumble and fall. The Masquerade was gone, but it didn't matter now. - Jenna. - it was the first thing that came to his mind.

- She lives on Cariboo Avenue so it should be a 10-minute walk from the center, but with all the shootouts and riots on the streets, I might not make it in this state. - he thought, touching his hurting stomach. There was blood all over his hand.

- I need to feed. Fast.

Walking down the main street, he quickly noticed two vampires robbing a convenience store. He ran toward them and, while walking into the building, he shouted instantly filling the room with his presence.

- You two! - The vampires were a poor sight to look at. They looked rough, wearing torn up clothes, looking like they didn't know what they were doing.

- Probably junkies turned vampires unwillingly. These are the ways of Sabbat filling their armies... Awful fucking monsters! - Rick thought as one of them swung a big red fire axe at his face. In the last second, he caught the handle and ripped the weapon from the vampire's hands. Rick kicked him to the ground and in one rough swing, he cracked his skull into halves. The other vampire, seeing this, started running away, but Rick had other plans for him.

- Stop! - he said, and the junkie stopped as the dominative power of Ventrue was too hard to resist.

- Come here! - Rick's voice was growly and unnatural, but with only these two words the vampire walked in his direction with hidden fear in his eyes. Rick, filled with anger, grabbed his head and sunk his teeth into his neck, drinking the rotten blood this vampire had in him. As Rick felt more and more satiated, the anger he had started to dissolve and his body started to regenerate much faster. He let go of the vampire as his body dropped unconscious on the floor.

- Fuck... His blood is awful. - Rick mumbled in disgust but he wouldn't dare to feed on his town's mortals at times like these. His beast was satisfied and from now on, it needed to stay that way. Walking out of the store, he saw a lady pinned down by another Sabbat trying to feed on her like an animal. She was trying to keep him away, but being Kindred gave him a certain physical advantage. He was biting the air in front of her face, growling as suddenly Rick kicked him off of her. The vampire tumbled on the pavement nearby, clinging to his hurt body, trying to stand up. As Rick walked toward him, he pinned him down to the ground with the fire axe, stomping on his head and killing the vampire. The fury he was filled with turned into concern when he turned to the lady. She still sat on the ground, watching the entire scene.

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