Chapter 19 ||The call for help||

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All the way, up far in the galaxy..on a small unknown planet, stood 11 people.

"Arabella! please! They're asking for help!" A man, known as Christian begged.

Arabella, whom stood still, sat on her throne, glared at the begging man.

"They'll be fine. They're our descendants! They can't be weak if they're our descendants!" Arabella yelled.

"Arabella! Hear me out!" Christian begged.

Arabella held out her hand up, gesturing him to be quiet.

"I know that Laura's now gone, but that old hag had it coming."

"Stupid, neat freak.." Arabella grumbled.

A winged woman came in.

"Miss Arabella.."

"What Twinge-Wood?" Arabella asked.

"The Leo no longer.."

"What?!" Arabella stood from her throne.

Her long red and black gothic like gown fell over her legs, almost covering her feet. The corset that was with the dress almost made her the slight spitting image of Nyx.

Her long brown hair down her back.

"I'm sorry but..Nyx and Eris got to her.." Gabriella said in a small voice.

"What happened to her power?! Her weapon?!"

"Her weapon was dropped into the sea..and her power..she never got."

"Not possible!"

"Seems like whichever Olympian sent her weapon down must've sent it down to the wrong place..."

"Poseidon was the last one to have it! Ugh!"

Arabella took a moment to think.

"What about her gift?"

"Never got that.."


"I'm not sure..from what I do know so far as seen by gods, demigods, and nymphs..her gift was taken by Eris and Nyx."

"Oh my- those goddesses should have been cursed by now!"

Gabriella sighed.

"We should help..I don't mean to pry my lady, but..those children have no chance. They can't defeat that star, we barely defeated it..!"

"I know, I know, give me a moment!" Arabella paced around the room.

Her heels clanking on the marble floor beneath her.

She finally stopped.

"Ma'am?" Christian asked.

"We go down there...all of us..and we defeat that star, and we make sure that none of those kids die."

Christian smiled, she changed her train of thought.

Gabriella frowned.

"We fight?" She asked.

"What choice do we have?"

Gabriella's wings went down.

"I don't like violence.." She mumbled.

"Like last time we fought it, you'll be in charge of the escape route. How does that sound?"

Gabriella's wings went up again.

"That sounds a lot better. I'll report to the others." Gabriella flew away.

Christian looked at Arabella.

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