Chapter 8 ||The Blacksmith||

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Mr. H teaches Blacksmith class.

Everyone thought that it would be boring..but no.

The complete opposite!

He let them make items, while talking.

He talked about the gods, and talked about how the blacksmith of the Olympian's made the chariots, armor, etc.

Clearly the blacksmith didn't get enough credit if he made all that for the gods.

Leo was making..who knows what, but she was making something.

Something..she didn't know what that something was.

Mr. H came around, and showed her how to actually not hurt herself..well, at least give her less of a chance to.

"Now, is that better?" he asked.

"Yeah.." Leo smiled.


Blacksmith class ended, now potions.

Ms. Hector was telling everyone to be careful while making the 'green loves' potion, as it could burn.

The main ingredient could burn them, even if they wore safety suits.

Ms. Hector was paying attention to Aquarius specifically.

"Now, Aquarius dear.. be careful." She helped Aquarius and made the potion just right.

"No fair, why's Aquarius getting the most help?" A student complained.

Phecda walked by, she noticed Leo and winked at her.

Leo smiled, and waved.

Phecda walked away.

"Leo, remember only a pinch of baking soda." Ms.Hector reminded.

Leo hadn't realized that she grabbed the baking soda.

"Oh, yes ma'am I know.." Leo put a pinch in.

Ms.Hector smiled.


She was interrupted by an explosion.

"ARIES MARS!" Taurus yelled.

Taurus and Aries were partners.

Leo's partner, Virgo gave a giggle.

"Sorry Taur.." Aries wiped soot off his face.

"Not the best duo.." Virgo said.

"You got that right." Leo agreed.

Gemini laughed, Cancer gave a chuckle.

"You got soot ALL OVER ME!" Taurus yelled.

"Now Taurus.." Ms.Hector tried to calm her down.

"Ugh! Boys are SO annoying!" Taurus tried to wipe soot off her baby blue blouse.

"The Apron didn't help?" Ms.Hector asked.

"Barely!" Taurus noticed that she only smudged the soot into her shirt.

"I didn't mean to.." Aries mumbled.


Potions class ended, now Mythology class, the class Leo had been waiting for.

Ms.Arteaga took the class to the Temple.

She stopped at the same statue that Leo noticed.

It was of a woman.

She smiled with her mouth closed as her hands hovered over a ball, which was probably meant to be some magic ball.

"This is Laura Nadine In our history, she was the first person."

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