Chapter 2 ||First day||

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Leo, was relaxing in a golden hoodie and leggings. Her hair loose, her Blonde hair down on her shoulders.

Her best friend Aries had come in her room. His red hair and his one yellow eye shining.

"Hey Leo~" He said happily.

"Hey..." She calmly said, looking in her phone.

"What's wrong?" Aries asked.

"Nothing...I'm fine."

"When a Girl says she's fine, she's not fine."

"Who's Ashley?" Leo asked.


"She's liked most of your posts..."

"We're've met her...well one time've met her...!"

"I don't remember her...!"

Aries sat down.

"I promise you there's nothing going on between us..!" Aries said.

Leo pouted.

"Maybe this'll make you feel better.."

Aries handed her a letter.

Leo snatched it from his hands.

"Okay..." Aries mumbled.

Leo opened the letter.

She gasped.


"I got in..."

"You did?! That's great!"

Leo and Aries had applied to Starlight College.

Leo now found out she got in.

Aries opened his.

"I also got in!" Aries said with a smile.

Leo pushed her letter aside.

"Still bothered by her?"

"You like her better don't you?"

"No..I don't..! I barely talk to her now."

Leo put her head on his lap.

"You sure..?" Leo narrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm sure..!"

Leo sighed.

"Leo, can you remember that I've practically been your Best friend since Kindergarten? Have I ever thought of you wrong?" Aries smiled.

"Yes and No..." Leo's accent shining through.

"You're my best friend! No one can replace that relationship between us! Got it?"



The next day, Leo had gotten almost no sleep the previous night.

Some dream bothered her.

Aries went home.

The dream, Leo could almost make out a woman. She could never reach her, as she would wake up.

Leo let out a yawn.

She got dressed.

She put on a Orange Sweater and jeans.

She put her blonde hair up in a ponytail and to tie it all together, her glasses.

Leo sat at her desk, looking at the letter.

She actually got to ready it properly

     Leo Solar, We are happy to inform you that you have been accepted into Starlight University. Your skills and Intelligence are amazing, you have great intelligence that this school could use. You have amazing skills and we can't wait to welcome you.
                       Please come by—September 5th.
                                                 Sincerely, Ms. Star

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