Chapter 17 ||Neptune returns||

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The group made their way to the school.

It was quick for some odd reason to make it this way.

Why? It's unknown.

By the time they got to the school, it had only a few monsters around it.

Not swarming with them, but a few.

They made their way down and..that's when things went downhill.

They made it to the side with no monsters.

"Alright, we're here! Now what?" Scorpio asked.

"We find the opening."

"Wait! How do we know it's inside the school? It could be anywhere on school grounds..including the dorms and all those trains rooms! The garden too!"

"We have lots of ground to cover.." Taurus tapped her index finger on her chin.

She lifted her ankle, as it had not gotten treatment yet.

"Oh wait! Taurus I'm sorry.." Libra bent down and touched her ankle.

When he did Taurus winced but realized that it was healing.

When Libra got up and pulled away, Taurus could use her foot again.

"Thank you.." She quietly said.

"Alright! Let's go cover some ground!" Sagittarius said with way too much enthusiasm.

"Split up?" Aries asked.

"Seems reasonable. We'll split up into groups of two. We'll cover more ground that way." Leo said.

"I choose Leo!" Cancer went up to Leo.

"I'm sticking with Libby!" Gemini said.

The signs split up.

Aries and Capricorn

Gemini and Libra

Leo and Cancer

Aquarius and Pisces

Scorpio and Virgo

Lastly, Sagittarius and Taurus.


Taurus stood behind Sagittarius as the boy walked.

He was smiling like a maniac.

"Why do you always smile?" Taurus asked.

"What's wrong with a smile?"

"'s just...I didn't think that this would be a happy moment...Eris..Nyx..Laura...the possible war." Taurus rambled.

"Calm down Princess! It'll be fine!"

"Did you just call me—"

Taurus was interrupted by Sagittarius pulling her arm.

They were now hiding behind a wall when they were supposed to take a turn.

"What are you doing?!" Taurus whisper yelled.

Sagittarius put a finger over his lip and pointed behind the corner they were hiding behind.

Taurus poked her head over.

A Hellhound was sniffing the floor.

It was..quite big.

Slightly bigger than your average wolf.

Taurus pulled her head back.

"What do we do?" Taurus whispered.

"It's questionable...either one of us distracts and the other attacks..or we wait and see if it leaves."

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