Chapter 6 ||Aries gets Rammed||

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It was the start of a new day.

Aries was calmly in his room, quietly reading.

He's never-well, talked that much over the weekend.

He just stood silently in his room reading.

He had a stack of books on his desk, and decided to read most if not all of them.

Leo gave him the nickname, "Bookworm"

Aries gave her the nickname, "Theatre kid"

Leo's dramatic, so Theater kid fits her.

A knock on Aries' door was heard.

Aries calmly got out of bed, and opened it.

There stood Leo.

She was in Jean shorts, and oversized Orange T-shirt, and black sneakers.

"Hey! Bookworm, let's go!" She had a huge smile on her face.

Aries was confused.

"Where?" Aries asked, he slightly tilted his head.

Leo scoffed.

"Seriously?! You forgot again?"

Aries didn't understand.

"Our tradition! To go walk the Bridge of the gods!"

At that moment it hit Aries.


"Ugh, boys.." Leo mumbled.

"Let me get ready!" Aries closed his door.

He soon came out to Leo tapping her foot, crossing her arms annoyed.

"You seriously forgot?" She grumbled.

"Sorry! It slipped my mind..!" Aries apologized.

"You know that it's tradition to walk that bridge! Especially this year! Their main focus is Aphrodite this year! You know that she's my Favorite!"

Aries put his hand on Leo's shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I know she's your favorite. I apologize.." Aries gave a pathetic smile.

Leo raised her eyebrow.

"I mean it!" Aries assured.

Leo scoffed.

"Alright...let's go." She walked off.

Aries followed.

The two walked, Aries apologizing over and over again.

Eventually they made it to the bridge.

It's a bridge where you can always walk on it for free, and the plus to Greek Mythology fans is that you get to learn about the Greek gods.

They usually have a focus each year this year it's Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty.

Leo's eyes lit up.

"How come it's all pink..?" Aries asked.

Leo nudged him in the rib.

"LOVE GODDESS!" Leo hissed.


"Now, where to?"

Leo dragged Aries across the bridge, they stopped to eat something called "Love-Dogs"

Basically they were hotdogs that had a pink Bun, and ketchup bits shaped in hearts.


"This is Extra.." Aries mumbled.

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