9 - Well?

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Back in the potions classroom

Dracos pov

Draco had just finished explaining to Harry how it wasn't his fault Harry ended up pregnant, but now Harry knew Draco had a huge crush on him...

"So you see potter it wasn't my fault" draco began "I was concerned about pregnancy because I wasn't sure at what point Pansy changed back to Pansy, so I went to madam pomfary and she said there would be a very slim chance for either of you to her pregnant but she did explain that because pollyjuice potion was used if you were to get pregnant it would mean that there would be no complications as pansys' uterus would have split and doubled in to two so the baby would have a fully functional and safe place to grow." Draco explained.

"Ok well at least I know my baby is safe" said Harry

"Our baby" came dracos voice "that is if you forgive me and allow me to be a part of its life?" He followed hopefully.

"Yeah I suppose you can be in its life since you've just admitted to having a huge crush on me. But I'm picking the name no regardless of the gender."

"Ok fine, I hope you don't mind me having a crush on you potter?" Draco said quietly.

"Hm, no of corse not Malfoy. I'm actually bisexual and have a slight crush on you too." Harry responded.

Dracos eyes lit up.

"But we're not dating. Well yet at least, we need to see if we can get along first, then if we can make it as friends, after that we can talk again about dating."

Draco felt slightly disappointed however he was happy that he didn't need to pretend to hate Harry any more.

"Truce?" Harry said holding out his hand.
"Truce." Replied draco shaking it in return.

And that was it. The Potter Malfoy hatred was over.

Harry's pov

After dreaming for what felt like for ever about that night for one of the many times a swift kick from his baby brought him back to reality.

He thought about everything that had come after when he discovered his pregnancy: telling Ron and Hermione, being at school pregnant yet basically no one knowing, he thought about the morning sickness, the cravings and the hunger, he remembered making a deal with one of the house elves that worked in the kitchens that she would bring Harry food when ever and Harry would let her hold his school tie.

Looking back it seemed really mean Harry making the elf hold his tie when she brought him food. But that's what the elf wanted to do, she was fascinated by the silky feel and the stripes.

Harry remembered finding out about Sirius and travelling to the ministry of magic 15 weeks pregnant and fighting Voldemort. He remembered thinking how stupid he was since he was in the "tired stage" at that point and he could have easily been killed if Dumbledore hadn't turned up.

Harry didn't like Dumbledore as he always sent him back to the Dursley's but in that moment he was thankful for him.

This is the last chapter I have written of the flashbacks so if you didn't like these as much as the story they are now over and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story

Kat xx

Where's my happy ending? // Male pregnancy Where stories live. Discover now