6- Im what-

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553 words

Harry pov

Waking up groggily to his alarm ready to find out what this person wanted, he quickly went to the bathroom and felt his baby move. His stomach gave a low rumble and he hoped whoever was coming would have food, he didn't want to be hurting the baby or impacting its growth from he lack of nourishment.

Walking back into his room he lowered himself down onto his bed. He was only 19 weeks pregnant but he was feeling the strain more from the constant moving around, the never ending chores and the frightening beatings from uncle Vernon.

Now all he had to do was wait.

He began to recall the story of how he became pregnant, running out of the infirmary to find Draco after finding out he was pregnant and the baby was his...

Flashback to when Harry found out

"Please Harry, just go to the hospital wing." Said Hermione "this is the fourth day in a row you've thrown up"

"Honestly Hermione, you worry too much" Harry said sarcastically before obtaining a frightened expression on his face and darting to the bathroom to be sick for the fourth time today.

Strolling out of the bathroom trying to pretend nothing was happening and he felt fine, Ron cornered him.

"Mate I know Hermione is a worrier but this is staring to get out of hand, please just go to the hospital wing just in case there's something wrong."

Eventually Harry agreed with Ron to go up to the hospital wing but he wanted to go by himself, after all the years spent at the Dursley's suffering the abuse he had become extremely protective over his body and his medical stuff. Madame Pomfary knew Harry was being hurt while he was at 'home' however she and Harry had made an unbreakable vow where Harry would allow her to heal his fresh wounds and painful bruises and in return she wouldn't tell anyone about it.

Opening the door he slowly walked over to the desk to be seen where he told the medi witch how he felt and I'd she would be able to provide a diagnosis. She instructed him to sit down on a bed as she performed the usual diagnostic spell on Harry.

As always the long list came back with all the injuries he had received at the hands of his 'family' then at the bottom it read:

Child conceived : 3rd March
Current date : 27th April
Other parent : Draco Malfoy
Conceive method : transferred uterus
Current progression : 7 weeks

"Um Harry, I'm not sure how to tell you this," she began "but your 7 weeks pregnant with Draco Malfoy's baby..."

"WHAT! HOW!" He shouted "I swear to goodness I'm going kill him"

"Once you've gotten over the shock talk to mister Malfoy and decide what your are going to do with the baby and let me know"

And that was it Harry stormed out of the hospital wing hardly hearing the medi witches last sentence. He ran back up to the dorm where he was greeted by Ron and Hermione asking if everything went ok, but he ignored them, he only had one thing on his mind, getting the marauders map and finding out why.

AN- so that's how Harry found out he was pregnant but how did Malfoy do it?!

Thanks for reading this chapter I hope you enjoyed it please leave a vote if you did and a comment if there is anything you think I could I prove on

Kat xx

Where's my happy ending? // Male pregnancy Where stories live. Discover now