The businessman smiled and stood up to walk over to Iroh. He was a tall man, with a traditional low braid that flourished from his half-shaved head. His robes were pale and bright, indicating his large wealth and status from the upper ring.

"So, you're the genius behind this incredible brew." The man complimented Iroh, who regarded him with a friendly smile. "The whole city is buzzing about you!" He lifted the tea to his mouth and sniffed it with a smirk. His expensive, golden rings glinted as he spoke. "I hope Pao pays you well."

"Good tea is its own reward." Iroh said humbly.

"But it doesn't have to be the only reward." The rich man suggested. "How would you like to have your own tea shop?"

Iroh's ember eyes sparkled and his mouth opened in awe. This was his dream! Could these guys make it a reality? It was as if life's fortune bells had started ringing in his head. All of his humility was instantly shoved aside. This was fantastic!

"My own tea shop? This is a dream come true!"

Pao himself had also noticed the men entering his shop. As soon as he had heard his employee's exclaim, the owner hurried over to stop any deals from being made behind his back.

"What's going on here? Are you trying to poach my tea maker?!" He jumped forward in between Iroh and the three businessmen. He stretched out his arms, as if he could physically stop the situation from occurring. His forehead was sweaty and his eyes were wide in panic.

"Sorry Pao, but that's business for you, am I right?" The boss of the businessmen gave Pao a devious smirk. He could tell that he had already hooked the old man right into a deal.

Pao frantically turned back to Iroh. "Mushi, if you stay, I'll... make you assistant manager!" He offered. Iroh didn't seem at all fazed by his proposition, so he amped it up. "Wait- Senior assistant manager!"

As if that was any better... Keya scoffed to herself.

"I'll provide you with a new apartment in the upper ring." The businessman counter offered. "The tea shop is yours to do with whatever you want. Complete creative freedom."

Iroh gasped. "I even get to name the shop?"

"Of course!" The man's pearly white teeth sparkled with candour and privilege.

"Uh, senior executive assistant manager?" Pao stammered, but the middle aged man knew that his effort was futile. His number one tea maker was already too entranced by the offer made by the upper ring businessman. Iroh wouldn't think of anything else. The old man handed him his tea kettle and turned to the three men before him. He clasped his hands together and bowed, accepting their deal with no further bartering.

"Ooh!" Pao exclaimed dejectedly and walked back to his office. "I need to make some arrangements..." He sighed sadly.

In the meantime, Zuko was busy clearing some tables. His back ached from the long hours. These days, his only source of energy was the understanding, exasperated looks that Keya and him would exchange during their shifts. Somehow, the simple knowledge that she was around was enough to lift his spirits. Without her, the teen was sure that he would have cussed out at least several rude customers by now.

Iroh turned to his nephew to share the good news. "Did you hear, nephew? This man wants to give us our own tea shop in the upper ring of the city."

"That's right, young man- and lady." The businessman winked. "Your life is about to change for the better."

Keya cringed and gave him a thumbs up. "Thanks, sir."

Zuko noticed and rolled his eyes. "I'll try to contain my joy." He deadpanned and slammed his tray of empty tea cups on a nearby counter, before storming outside. He needed to get some fresh air after his uncle's news. Was this going to be his new life? Serving tea to snobby rich people forever? Sure, Keya's presence kept him in line for now, but the irritable Prince was sure that he was going to snap one of these days.

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