Episode 2,(S1) part 4

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Runaan still looks at her in a kind of disapproving way for going against his orders.

Ethari smacked him on the side of the head to stop glaring at Rayla.

"I'm still saddened about what it to come next," Sarai said, thinking about her children becoming orphans in the future with the past mistakes they have created and that cannot be undone. "As well a bit embarrassed about the guards conversation," she whispered the last part to herself.

Everybody is still processing in different ways what will happen in the future and what is to come of it, even though the main three already know what will happen but are not giving any hints.

~Continuing the episode~

"Today I had four eggs and I'm stuffed," the male guard continued on, "So tomorrow-

"Three eggs, I get it. We don't need to talk." The female guard said, obviously done with the pointless conversation.

"I was going to say two eggs and one sausage." The male guard said nervously.

Rayla then starts hoping away again continuing towards the castle, still doing many acrobats and stunts.

Two guards are then shown patrolling having no idea about Rayla sneaking past them.

"Why do you have to be so difficult, you know your fear of water," Runaan groaned.

"Because she is my daughter and can conquer anything!" Tiadrin laughed.

Rayla looks at the flowing river in-front of her, she inhales sharply and starts to make her trek across the river and climbing the side on the ginormous mountain side.

With trial and error of course and after Rayla almost fell to her death.

Many of the elves gasped at Rayla almost falling down.

She continued the long tiring journey to the top.

~next scene~

"You wanted to see me?" Callum questioned, entering the throne room where king Harrow was waiting for Callum, pacing.

Callum sets his bag done and stand in-front of his stepfather.

"Prince Callum," Harrow starts.

"My king," Callum bows.

Most of the audience can see their relationship is a bit tricky with the way Callum addressed Harrow. Sarai sighed, looking at Harrow squeezing his hand in a reassuring manner.

"No, I... Please." The king says awkwardly.

"Okay," Callum says a bit unsure.

"Callum, I know I'm not your birth father, but I want you to know that..." Harrow breathes deeply in the pause. "This isn't easy. So the most important things I've written down."

He takes out a scroll handing it over to Callum.

"A letter?" Callum questioned.

"You'll understand in time." Harrow replies.

"I want you to break the deal when... Well, you'll know when." Harrow continues.

"When you've been killed." Callum says getting straight to the  point.

The elves did have a bit of guilt on their features but yet it doesn't excuse them killing the king or what had happened to the dragon prince.

"I'm sorry for what must come," Runaan started, "but I cannot fully forgive you for what you had done to the dragon king and the prince."

"I understand," Harrow said, in a voice that held regret, but in his mind he knew he had payed the price of his mistake.

Harrow puts his hands on Callum's shoulders and looks him in the eye.

"War is full of uncertainty." He says.

"Why can't you do something about it? Can't you just make peace with them?" Callum says in a desperate tone.

The audience know that's not really easy considering their past and hatred towards each other.

"It's not that simple." Harrow says. Callum pushes away from Harrow.

"It seems pretty simple to me. You don't want to die. I'm sure the elves and dragons don't want to die." Callum says in a desperate and pleading tone. "So every one agrees."

"There are centuries of history. Generations of wrongs and crimes. On both sides." Harrow starts explaining.

"I am responsible for some of those wrongs." He continued sadly. "I've done terrible things. I thought they were necessary. Now, I don't know."

"Well at least you admitted your wrongs," Rayla said with the elves acknowledging it.

"What is done cannot be undone, the least I can do is own up to my mistakes," Harrow replied.

"Yes," Aaravos said, he was still mysterious and nobody really knew anything about him.

Making it a big mystery about as well what had happened in the past and the details they are missing to help resolve their conflict.

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