part 9

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After shopping jisoo went her home and vmin went Kim mansion,.v is resting while laying on his bed but suddenly someone knocked on the door and asked,.

? Boss can I come in,.v setup on bed with a very tired face and said in annoyed voice,. and Suga come in room with files in his hands v looked at him and said,.

V,. Come in,. After after getting permission from v suga come into the room,. V look at him and ask,

V ,. What are you doing here with a cold look

Suga,. Boss information about the boy is in this file suga handed the file to him v look at him then looked at the file and smirk and took the file from suga hand and said in cold voice,.

V,. You can go now ,. Suga is is looking down all the time but he look at up and ask,.

Suga,. Boss can I ask a question v look at him with annoying face face and nodded ,.

V,. Yes you can ask a question,.

Suga,. Boss why you want to know information about the that boys when you are going to married then why are you behind this boy,.

V look at him and smile with his creepy look and said,.

V,. if I am going to married it does not mean that I can't love someone and you are nothing to me ,. Did you understand what I say you are nothing to me you are just gangster a bodyguard and nothing more so it's my personal you can't have a right to ask me about my personal life impulse matters,. Suga is just listening him silently after v finished Suga Brock the silence and said,.

Suga,. Yes boss I understand that I am nothing to say that and ask but still I want to know why you are behind this boy I know you will use him and throw away just like you do with those innocent girls ,. After hearing this v become angry and slapped Suga and said in his cold voice,.

V,. Who the hell are you to say this tell me who gives, you rights to talk to me like this can't you understand what I said it doesn't your matter so do what I say ,.don't ask me any question stupid why you are caring about him he is my property he is only mine and you know what is mine is always mine,. So don't cross your limits did you understand it's your last time I am saying that never dare to ask anything to me,. Suga just nodded his head v leave his coller and said,.

V,. Now you can go ,.
Suga ,. Yes boss good night,. With that sugar left from there,. After suga leave v seat on the chair and grapes the glass of alcohol and opened the file with a smirk, 😏,.

 After suga leave v seat on the chair and grapes the glass of alcohol and opened the file with a  smirk, 😏,

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