002. B*tch Boy Intruder.

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002 , B*tch Boy Intruder

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002 , B*tch Boy Intruder

Rafe Cameron hadn't slept at all that night or the night after or even the one after that

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Rafe Cameron hadn't slept at all that night or the night after or even the one after that. Maybe he should probably preface with the fact that he never really slept much anyways but then again who does anymore? But no, this was different and the only person he had to blame was himself and his stupid fucking crush on his pretty boy.


Rafe Cameron was possessive but damn, this was a first. He didn't even know the brunette's name and he'd already fallen headfirst into those whiskey eyes. Fucking sap. And don't even get him started on the things he'd do just to see that pretty blush again-

"Raphael Aurora Cameron, get your lazy fucking ass out of that bed right now!"

"Get the fuck out of my house Cortés" but he listened, stumbling out of his bed and into the connecting bathroom all whilst mumbling a string of swears and complaints under his breath, making sure he took his sweet time.

"Fuck off Cortés."

"Well that's not the way to treat someone who restocked your groceries, cooked you breakfast, covered for you for the past week, and recorded all the lectures you missed, because I know you can't learn from notes, is it now? I deserve a thank you at the very least."

"You broke into my house-" "You gave me a key-" "For emergencies!" "You haven't left your house since that party and given the state of this place I'd classify this as an emergency."

"I didn't ask you to do all that shit-" "Mmhm, still waiting."

"Fine! Thank you, now leave."

Deciding to ignore Rafe's very clear instructions, Matias grabbed a plate from the overhead cabinet and began piling it with enticing breakfast items that left Rafe with no other choice than to take a seat at the island. He never could deny Cortés' cooking.

"So, who's the pretty boy on your mind?" The abrupt question causing Rafe to choke on his food. Matt slid over a glass of water with a smirk on his face, patiently waiting for an answer but all he got was a rather rude mumble of "for fucks sake, fucking dickhead, didn't have to make me choke or almost die".

"As I seem to remember quite vividly, you liked chocking on my dick, quite a lot actually" Matias had decided to take the much more fun route of questioning, well fun for him, not so much for Rafe.

"Don't test me, we both know that I can shut you up." "And I can make you sing, what's your point?"

Mission accomplished: piss off Rafe Cameron.

"If I were you, I'd start turning up to all my classes, maybe that way I'd actually run into pretty boy or get a name at the very least since it's clear that you're utterly useless." At this, Rafe opened his mouth in protest but closed it knowing he was right. He wasn't even shocked that Matias knew, not even a little. His ex and only real friend had a knack for knowing him better than he knew himself.

Mitch Rapp missed the slow sunshine mornings at The Chateau, waking up without a worry in the world with his family beside him. But either way, he did not miss the pounding headache beating along to the rhythm of the bass from last night. He can't remember much but he does remember a tall pretty blonde boy which elicits a groan at the memories flooding in. God, he was never getting drunk ever again.

A crash rings out from the kitchen of the shared apartment causing Mitch to groan into the pillow he'd aggressively shoved his face in and grab another, attempting to force it around the back of his head and mould it to his ears to block the noise. Sadly, it doesn't work and he's left to curse at his roommates. Just another typical morning.

In the days that follow, he keeps to his promise, reverting back to his introverted nature whilst avoiding parties and his roommates like the flu. He certainly wasn't going to get drunk at this rate but it seemed more like he'd end up going back home, isolating himself and adopting three cats at the pace he was going at. Hell, if JJ and John B could see him now, they'd be so disappointed. Pope would probably be a little concerned if anything and have a knowing look on his face wondering if Mitch was avoiding his blondie while Kiara would be the first to voice Pope's analysis.

God, he really missed them.

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