·Chapter 22· Epilogue

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The Castle was filled with love and laughter, Lila had outdone herself with the Christmas decorations this year, everyone was here for a later dinner including Patrick's family, we all had grown very close...I looked over to Lila who was trying to calm a very hyper Mia down with little success, she was so excited with everyone been here and the birth of our next pup...Sof sat on Pats lap while he held her round belly, yep, my baby girl was also with pup and they were so excited, they had informed everyone in the Kingdom last week as it could no longer be hidden that she was expecting, Sof was quite nervous of the threat this posed to her unborn baby as it is the first hybrid to be born in many years but we are all here for her and she is loved dearly in the Vampire Kingdom.

Myself, Lila, Seb and Marcy had now taken a back seat, we'd always be here for the kids but after the coronation they were now the new rulers, King Fernanado and Queen Alice with their Beta couple Beta Jose and Beta Greg, I felt so proud of all of my pups and what they had achieved, Lila looked over to me and winked, she looked stunning, her dark curls were pulled to the side, her face was natural while she wore a fitted tunic dress with knew high boots which I like a little too much..she looked perfect..winking back at her I gave her a little smirk, if I had my way she'd be with child every year but I know this will be our last, I could feel her give me little nudge with our link so I looked over to her with a puzzled face..."I have a little extra present for you later my love, something for your eyes only"...oh fuck, she certainly knows how to make my dick twitch, I walked over to where she sat and carefully lifted her before placing her on my lap covering my growing hard on....

"If you carry on my angel we will have to excuse ourselves so you can sort out what you started"..leaning forward I blew ever so lightly along the back of her neck causing her to shudder while lifting my hips to press my hard dick against her backside..."Hummm maybe that's not such a bad idea"..fuck this woman can turn me to mush in a second..."Don't tempt me my love and stop teasing while we have guests"....she turned her head round to gaze into my eyes and whispered so very quietly "Spoil sport"...

Jose's POV

Glancing around the room my eyes fell on my parents, I squeezed Greg's hand and his eyes followed mine, my parents grew more in love every day if that's even possible! My mom was glowing, she looked so happy with everyone here, Greg helped her in the kitchen all morning while they both gossiped and laughed, I cant help but smile to myself thinking about their relationship..they go for coffee together, shopping and she has even learnt him to cook. Sof was sat on the floor in between Pats legs while she plaited Mia's hair with the new ribbons we had bought her, Greg had found some sparkly little hair grips and matching ribbons while out with my mom, he couldn't have chosen a better gift for Mia, their relationship had also grown and Greg was now the one she went to for her hair doing, it was beautiful to see them both together...Fernanado and Alice were talking with Pats parents, Fern and Pat had become good friends and our packs were united,  we held regular events together not only has family and friends but as packs. As I sat looking at my family and friends I had an uneasy feeling settle in the pit of my stomach, Greg must have felt it through our bond and he squeezed my hand looking to me.."You ok?" he asked concerned..I nodded yes but knew he wasnt fooled..we had very few issues within our pack likewize for Pat and Sof's clan but recently there had been a few close encounters with hunters close to our borders, I was working with Fern, Dad, Pat and Alarick to try and nip it in the bud before it got out of hand but it concerned me with Sof been pregnant now, we knew once the news was out over her pregnancy there would be an even higher risks of attacks...im just hoping this is not the start of something bigger...

Alerick's POV

It was a great honor to be with our extended family on this special day, our families had become so close, myself and my wife Coleta loved the time we spent all together, especially when the pack and the clan unite, it is a site to be seen but there is nothing but laughter and love, we had so much to look forward to but our main focus was on the birth of our first grandchild, it is 2 months since Patrick and his Queen Sofia told us the news...I laughed to myself thinking about my beautiful wife, Coleta cried with so much happiness for a whole week after we were told over the happy news, she is so very protective over Sofia...we all are, she is the best thing to happen in our world for quite sometime, she brings laughter, peace and a calmness to the clan...we love her like our own, I was a little uneasy like her father and brothers regarding the hunters that have spotted close by our Kingdom but I know we are stronger, not only do we have the numbers with pack and the clan combined but, we are physically stronger..we are prepared for whatever is to come and my son is a strong leader like Fernando, they will let no harm come to their own and we will all guard Sofia with our lives, she has only just stopped with her training after Patrick insisted that at 2 months pregnant it was not fair on not only the baby but his poor heart couldn't take any more...reluctantly she agreed, since the mating she had not only gained extra strength but had been blessed with powers, she had the speed of a vampire now and could also sense certain things but, she was still trying to learn this power, her father had a seer who lived in their pack and she was working with Sofia to help harness this gift, she also told Sofia there would be 5 gifts in total to come her way to help aid others in the future, it was uncertain as of yet if my unborn grandchild would be blessed with powers but it was a huge possibility, I  have mixed feelings about this, it is a blessing but puts an even bigger target of Sofia's back...after speaking with our families we have decided to keep Sofia's powers to ourselves for the time being to hers and the child's safety..smiling to myself while looking at my new family I could not be any happier...

Alice's POV

I had been crowned the Queen of the wearwovles with my mate Fernando on the full moon the first week in Decmeber, it was a wonderful night and was extra special with our new family and friends from Sof's clan, who'd have thought we would be holding monthly events together on each others lands...Vamps and wolves together and united..but, hey it worked and we had built amazing relationships with each other which could only benefit everyone..As I sat on Ferni's lap I felt queasy again, I knew I was going to have to tell him, I don't like keeping things from him but he has been preoccupied with the hunters and it was something we didn't plan to happen just yet, I don't want to add extra worry on his already heavy shoulders...I excuse myself to the kitchen where all the other females are chatting and laughing, as I enter I'm hit with a smell that turns my stomach and I bolt in the direction of the bathroom were I empty everything I have eaten...my hair is pulled to the side and a cloth is passed to my face, I look up to see my best friend Sof and her mom Lila looking at me, both supporting the "Pregnant belly look"...Lila looks at me with a knowing smile..."How far on are you sweetheart?" she asks..."I think a couple of weeks, I'm unsure until I see the doctor..Patrick doesn't know yet"..I say quietly hoping they wouldn't think bad of me, Sof holds her hand out to pull me up..

"Mom got rid of the eggs, that was what set you off wasnt it? I was exactly the same the first month, why haven't you told Pat yet Alice?" she asked concerned..

"He has a lot on at the moment and I didn't want to worry him also we both wanted to wait a little longer before having pups"...Lila held my other hand as we walked back into the kitchen..the offending eggs no where to be seen or smelt now..."Alice sweetheart he will be so thrilled when you tell him, yes it was not planned, yes he will be more protective..he will be just like his father was but, whatever is happening or coming we can deal with, don't let that spoil your special occasion sweetheart"....I looked up to Lila, Sof and my mom who had now appeared and was grinning like a loon while holding my other hand.."I got rid of the eggs chick, no eggs around you for a couple of weeks!" she smirked..

"Now go tell your man chick, it is something we can all celebrate together"..."Ok Mom, can you tell Ferni I'm just on the porch getting some air?"..."Yes my love"...I walked out onto the porch and sat on the large swing, I could smell Ferni getting closer, I felt so nervous..

"Hey sweetheat, what's the matter?"..I look to me beautiful mate and she looks slightly paler than usual, her freckles look like they are going to jump off her skin, I can feel her emotions through our bond even though she is trying her hardest to dull them, she has mixed emotions but the main one I feel is nerves..."Sit down with me my love"..she pats the swing so I take the space next to her while holding her hand.."I have something to tell you, please don't be cross though Ferni, I didn't say straightaway because you have had alot of stress this last week"..I was starting to worry now wondering that the fuck was wrong..was she ill or something!...."Please just tell me Alice, I'm panicking now.."..taking a deep breath she turned around to face me..."Were having a pup Ferni"...

"Holy fuck im going to be a dad!!" I shouted...I could hear everyone cheer from inside the castle and Alice sat laughing, I grabbed her face and smashed my lips to hers pushing all my love and happiness through our bond..I was so fuckin happy that I picked Alice up spinning her around while she giggled.."I guess you are happy then?" she chuckled..."Baby you have made me so happy..come lets go tell those that didn't hear me" I laugh, holding Alice's hand we enter the lounge to loud cheers and everyone congratulating us both, our parents, Seb were thrilled, Seb laughed patting Dad on the back..."God man that's 3 hormonal women now" he spoke in between laughing as my mom scowled at him..Fuck I just thought, Alice is carrying the next heir to the throne...wow!!!!

Carlos's POV

As we celebrated the happy news I looked around the room at my extended family, this was my life now and I could not be happier I felt rich beyond my wildest dreams. As I reminess over my life I think back to the beginning, I was such a foolish boy at the start and made many reckless decisions which caused many people I love pain, looking at my pups I am so glad they did not follow the same path I did, they all waited for their mates and stayed truthful to what they believed and honoured, I snicker to myself thinking over this...those pups of mine, thinking I did not know what they had got up to under my castle roof while courting their mates, it was something myself and Lila would laugh at saying "Keep it PG kids" as they left to go to their rooms with their mates, I think I will wait until they all have pups before we have this chat..it will make an interesting conversation for the dinner table don't you think?.....

                                                                   THE END

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⏰ Huling update: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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