·Chapter 7· Introductions

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The car ride had been strangely quiet other than the quiet chatter of our mothers, Matty squeezed my hand and whispered..

"You nervous Lila? You look so beautiful tonight, I thought Dad was going to blow a gasket when he saw you!!"...I could see Dad stiffen and stare our way as he had heard what my loud mouth brother had said! ..

"You look stunning princess, it was just a shock to see you as a grown woman. I am confident that you all will find your mates this evening, promise me though princess if you are unsure or scared you link either me, Matty, Luke or Cain?..."Yes Dad I promise, you never know I may end been a spinster and stuck at home with you and Mom forever"...at this everyone laughed except my father, he looked so choked up, he gazed at me like it would be the last time he'd ever see me, I gave him a smile and whispered in our link..

"I love you Dad, you can't get rid of me that easy".. .."I would never want to princess".... The car finally pulled up to the castle entrance and as we all climbed all I could smell was the pungent jasmine that climbed all around the garden, it was beautiful, so medieval but enchanting, this was the first visit for everyone except my dad and his Beta Cain and partners, they had been to previous Alpha meetings here so they were aware of the castle's layout and surroundings whilst me, Matty, Luke and Marcy couldn't help but be star struck.. The large entrance doors were open but heavy with security, not that anyone would even attempt to do jack shit here! 

As we approached my dad handed the invitation over to the man at the door... "Ahhh welcome Alpha Robert and family, Beta Cain"...the man bowed his head slightly as a gesture of respect, my father grabbed his hand to shake.."Good to see you Pete, hope you are keeping well"..the man's eyes crinkled and he smiled warmly at my dad..."All good Alpha Robert thank you, if you would like to follow the rest of the guests you will be announced shortly"..at this he smiled at us all and waved us in the direction of a long hallway with a line of other packs, as we all stood in line we formed into our family groups, my dad and mom stood to the front with Matty and me behind followed by Beta Cain and Emma, then Luke and Marcy at the back. The nearer we got to the front of the line the more my stomach did somersaults, Matty could sense my nervousness and squeezed my hand..

"It will all be fine sis, chill out your making us all nervous" he chuckled...I squeezed his hand back smiling at him, I honestly don't know what is wrong with me I am normally so confident. As we reached the doors and my dad turned around and linked us all..."Heads up and be proud of yourself and your pack like I am, you all look amazing, now let's go and show them who the New Moon Pack are!"..at this I smiled, my dad instantly putting us all at ease, I held my head high and my frame tall...well as tall as a 5ft6 person could! The speaker broke my thoughts with his loud, clear voice...

"Ladies and Gentlemen and your Royal highnesses, The New Moon Pack Alpha and Beta family"...As we walked in the ballroom all eyes were on us, I could not believe how beautiful this place looked, the room sparkled with gold and silver shards reflecting off the huge chandeliers, candles flickered on each table, as we reached the end of the room I could see the royal family and the King's throne, I could not see too much at the moment as my parents were infront, when we reached the thrones my parents both stopped and bowed..."You Royal highness and family, I am Alpha Robert, my wife Luna Eliza, my son and future Alpha Matthew and my daughter Lila, to the side is my Beta Cain, Beta female Emma and future Beta Luke and their daughter Marcy"...as my dad made the introductions I could smell peppermint and fresh cut grass, it was heaven, it was like nothing I had smelt before, my wolf was jumping in my head confusing my thoughts so I had to temporarily block her, I couldn't afford to make a show of myself now! As I stood from bowing I looked up into the most gorgeous dark eyes I had ever seen, he had a smirk on his face and a dimple showing....the King stood from his throne and everyone gasped...

"Hello there my beautiful Mate, I have been waiting so long for you"...he stood in front of me and reached for my hand, electricity pulsed through my entire body and we both gasped at our contact, realization suddenly hit..fuck I am mated to the King of Kings!! I was so stunned that I had not noticed that Marcy had also found her mate, he happened to be the Beta of the King, he was clutching on to Marcy's waist and they were both grinning...wow this was turning out to be eventful!! The Queen stood forward and summoned for the speaker to come forward, she spoke in a soft voice but, one that held authority..

"Please announce for people to be seated and the music to start..my son and his Beta have found their mates and I think it is only fair after waiting so long they have time and a little privacy to get to know them"... The speaker then left and everyone went to their seats and music began to softly play, coming back to earth I realized I was being led to a room to the side of the ballroom, his large hand encircled around my smaller one, he opened the door and lead me over to a sofa, he sat his large frame down and pulled me onto his lap so I was sitting sideways...he glanced into my eyes then he looked down to my chest slowly then back up again licking his lips...fuck those lips, when he licked them like that all I could think about was kissing them! He gently stroked my cheek like I was the most delicate thing on this earth... 

"I have waited so long for you, I looked everywhere my love....can I ask how old you are and your name?"...I looked into his eyes suddenly remembering the things I had heard of this man who was my mate and fated...hummm he had waiting soooo long for me eh? I wasn't sure what I felt, I knew I loved him on sight, he was the most handsome man I had ever seen, he was built like a truck and his body felt solid, his scent was muddling my brain as I kept thinking about all those other women he had been with...I stood from his lap and held myself confidently, even though I wanted him I also needed to know more about him before anything went any further, sitting on his lap was not helping my brain!...his face looked confused and hurt as I stood...

"Do you not want me love?" he asked, I looked at this huge strong man in front of me who looked so unsure of himself at this moment in time that I almost gave in but, it was time to talk... 

"My name is Lila Barnes, I am 22 years old, I come from the New Moon pack, I am the daughter of Alpha Robert and Luna Eliza..as for your question "Do I not want you?"..well yes I want you, you are my mate but, I have heard many things about you my King and I wish for us to get to know one another first"...I stopped to catch my breath and to look into his eyes to see if I could see what he was feeling....

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