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Nolan's pov
I may be young but I'm not an idiot.
This is the thought running through my head as I stare at Ms. Y/n through her window.

I know that if she leaves I'll never see her again. So something must be done.

My whole life has been about other people and their needs. About unhappiness and never a truly happy moment.
But with Ms. Y/n I can have that. I know it. She's just been so deluded and manipulated by people around her. The relationship we have isn't weird it's not unprofessional or disgusting. Age has nothing to do with love. I and Y/n are soulmates.

And if I have to kidnap her or commit a few murders to do that then so be it.

The light of moonlight shines through her windows. She looks around puzzled before making her way back up her stairs.

She's so mesmerizing. So beautiful.

I can't- I won't let anything get in between us

Even Y/n herself.
Time skip
The bitch wouldn't stop talking.
No matter how many times I've hit her.

"You won't get away with this!"
"Won't you just shut the fuck up..."I'm irritated with her and her idiotic views.

This time I slap her so hard my handprint is on her face.
She lets out a small gasp as she pulls on her chains and starts sobbing.

"I don't understand!"
"Why me!"
"I'm not my father."

She babbles on and on tears streaming down her pale face while I look at her with disgust. How can she act so innocent, as if she doesn't know the legacy her bloodline holds.

"You know what your father did.." I say my voice having no emotion to it. She doesn't deserve to see any of my emotions that are reserved for one person only.

"He wasn't convicted..so did he really do it..?"Her head is down before she looks at me and smirks.

I feel rage soar throughout my body and just when I reach to take the pocketknife out of my pocket my phone rings.

I eye her as she smiles at me as if I'm not the one who will win in the end. She's sleeping on a dirty mattress in a cold lonely room.

I leave her be and answer...

"Hey, your mom's back come home." Just as the calm starts it ends just as quickly with my aunt.
I could care less about talking nice with her.

I hurriedly leaves not bothering to check on the waste of space in the basement.

Time skip(again whoopsss)
When I arrive home there's a brand new car sitting in the driveway.
I decide to ignore it and unlock the house door with my keys. There is a colder chill to the atmosphere in the house, is it me?

But as I walk through the foyer I see her. My mother

The one who left me and my sister yet looks happy and healthy.
Her face glows as she smiles and jokes, my sister right along with her. Even my aunt seems to be in a better mood.

Everything changes when they see me though. As if I'm the cause of all the abuse we've endured.

My aunt's eyes are cold and not soft as they just once appeared. My sister giggles as she grabs my hand and pulls me towards the couch.
I'm angry.
I'm livid.
I feel rage towards my mother that she can live her life but yet leave us here.

Feeling unwanted.

She stands up and grins at me pulling me into a bear hug, "Sweetie! Oh, how I've missed you!"She cheers happily pulling away and squeezing my cheek.

She puts her hands on my shoulder and I stare blankly at her. She goes on that I've gotten big in just a few months away.

I open my mouth to talk but am cut off immediately by my aunt.

"Erica, why don't you take your IPad to your room?"
Erica just smiles happily taking her iPad with her to her room before shutting it.

"Mom, why the fuck are you here?"I ask quickly I'm angry as I clench my fist and look my mom in the eye.

She smiles awkwardly and side-eyes my aunt who stands there taunting me almost.

"I'm here because I love you. I had to go away to get my life together-"

"YOUR LIFE TOGETHER?! What about me huh?! What about all the heartache I'm going through? You aren't my mom. You were never there for me... I don't need you."

"Nolan don't speak to your mother that way!" My aunt interjects she tried to intimidate me with her size. But it doesn't work. I'm taller and stronger.

My mom stands flabbergasted hers wide as she blinks. Opens and then closes her mouth.

"Nolan baby I'm sorr-"
"No, I've had it enough with this family! I'm going to be with the love of my life and you can't stop me! NO ONE WILL." I yell before storming out of the house and the door slams behind me.

Only one place to go.


To Y/n.

𑁍//𝚃𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛,𝚃𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛//𑁍 Yandere Male Student x Teacher Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now