And surprisingly enough.

"I...I cannot..." Madeleine expressed, much to Espresso's surprise and shock. "Taking away their Soul Jam is like taking away the Power of The Divine from us Paladins, I cannot just...agree to such proposition!" Madeleine explained. "And the more cookies have the power of the Soul Jam, the more cookies that will have to fight those treacherous creatures that pass through our world! Or worse, Dark Enchantress Cookie herself! How big of a target do you want on these cookies backs?" He protested, this is still quite a shocking revelation to now Financier Cookie as seemingly her first impression of Madeleine was some 'Egotistical Knight' "I will not come and support you in that decision when takes the lives of fellow cookies at risk at being harmed!" He spoke, about to leave the door as if resigning himself from this mission, Espresso stopped him as he isn't acting like himself.

"What are you doing? This is what's best for everyone, without the Power of the Soul Jam we stand no chance against Dark Enchantress Cookie!" Espresso scolded, maybe Madeleine had a more heroic fact thrown at him again? "Ser Madeleine Cookie, I understand your resolve, but Espresso and the Consul is right, not all cookies will have the strength that The Ancient Heroes have...and not everyone can wield the power of The Divine, it is simply only reasonable that we go down this strategy." Financier explained, it would be wise for a Paladin to resolve the issues another Paladin has, especially the Captain. "The only reason I think that you are against this, is cause you're hiding something...what did you converse with Gingerbrave about earlier?" Clotted Cream asked as if it was a direct order. Madeleine for the first time in years glared, meaning he reserved the right to not speak. "Madeleine, this is out of hand! Don't you want to protect these cookies?!" Espresso whispered and argued with the cookie, honestly this is way out of character for Madeleine to even do! He'll do anything for the Republic's best intentions! "It's not just protecting these cookies, it's about protecting him" Madeleine whispered and argued back, yet anger was clear as day, Espresso was taken aback, lifting his hand out of Madeleine's shoulder, Madeleine took one sigh and opened the door. "Forgive me Consul, but our ideals for what is right clash with one another, if you really want to share the Soul Jam you should've asked us to collect the Light Fragments instead of the actual Soul Jam." He said. "I take my leave now."

Clotted Cream sighed in disbelief and disappointment. "What on earth got into him?" Espresso asked to himself, as again, this was very out of character for Madeleine. "Consul, sir. The council is about to begin. Other delegates have already gathered." Financier informed. "Then it is time to join them. Today's decisions will shape the future of the Crème Republic and the whole Cookie World." He declared to Espresso Cookie, who only nodded.

"Is this true?"

"Yes, He's going to propose it today as of now."

*sigh* "I can't believe he would actually propose to share the Soul Jam!"

"I understand what he's thinking, without the boost of strength, fighting Dark Enchantress will be very difficult, especially if she keeps growing stronger everyday!"

"But...Why does he need all three? They all act the same way."

"That's what I told Espresso, but he believes that Soul Jam somehow has different properties, just because the wielders are different! Now that you've confirmed that they all act the same with the only different is that each Soul Jam has an ingredient that correlates to the wielder, it only makes sense to have a Light Fragment or one Soul Jam!"

"And another thing is, we cannot guarantee that this will succeed or not! The fact that Soul Jam is only wielded by individuality means that the success rate could potentially fail on mass production!"

"I see your point, and is difficult to recreate and share the Soul Jam with everyone else...they need to correspond to the cookie with similar ingredients or the magic won't work. Trying to wield a mere copy of the Soul Jam without it resonating within your Soul may have catastrophic events and unwanted side effects."

"But the incredibly and boost that cookies may have will turn the war drastically...and we cannot fight in a war against immortals with cookies that can easily crumble in the battlefield..."

"Maybe there is a way to turn this proposition so that the risks will be lowered and more planned."

"How shall we do that? Once the Consul has made up his mind, he'll stick to it!"

"We convince him he only needs ONE, just ONE Soul Jam...our kingdom has once researched Soul Jam before perhaps we can step in once they are convinced."

"Should I call the Ginger Fighters then?"

"Maybe we stick to calling GingerPeach first...thank you kindly for informing us Madeleine Cookie."

"Uhm? Gingerbrave? Oh, Madeleine Cookie you're here." Pure Vanilla spoke to his surprise that Madeleine was talking behind a door in a dark area of the Castle. It was just beside the Solarium so it should be fine. "Uhm, the Council will start in a few minutes. Clotted Cream Cookie is here." Pure Vanilla informed. "Be there in juuust a second Pure Vanilla Cookie, I need to do something for a sec!" Gingerbrave informed with a smile as Pure Vanilla nodded in understanding and left towards the Solarium. "You better get to your seat, I'll contact GingerPeach as soon as possible!" Gingerbrave told Madeleine, he smiled at him...though the worried look never left him...

Gingerbrave...was the new Wielder of the Soul Jam of Determination...

The Soul Jam of the Sixth Forgotten Ancient.

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