Start from the beginning

'Jared meet me in the den. It's important'

I mind-link to him as I jump down the stairs, hoping he is already awake. It only take a moment before he responds.

'Already Here'

The den is alot more chaotic than the hallway. Jared is having a hard time keeping the peace. Dozens of scared people are swarming him bombarding him with rapid questions about what's going on and not leting him get a word in. He looks extremely frustrated.

I put two fingers in my mouth and blow emitting a piercing whistle. Everyone winces covering their sensitive ears and turn my way in annoyance.

"Now that I have your attention. I'm going to tell you all what I told them upstairs. There no need to panic as of right now. There has been no indication of attack. Go to your room and stay there. If you hear a alarm or any type of combat outside follow procedures to get to the safe haven." I look at Jared he nods his head once.

"Let's go"

We make our way out the front of the pack house and head south at a light jog, the main house being only a few yards away.

"Do you have any information on what the hell is going on?" Jared asks.

"Not really I think a few members may have gotten hurt or sick or something"

The pack house comes into view all lights are on and I can here that's its bustling with activity. We slow down a bit as we jog through the courtyard.

"Since when do our kind get sick. What could they have gotten to make them scream like that. It was like they were dying."

"I don't know but I overheard the guards say they were heading towards the clinic so that's where we're going to get our answers" I reply when suddenly a flash of pink catches my eye and I look over to see what it is.

Christy is standing in the shadows under a apple tree wearing a pink frilly nightgown that comes down to her ankles. Her mouth is open in horror her face stricken and her eyes are vacant. I stop my jog and turn to stare at the figure making sure it's really her.

What is she doing out here?

"What's wrong James?" Jared stops jogging and walks back to me. He looks over to the tree I'm looking at and squints.

"Is that Christy?"

"Yeah I think so I'm going to go see what's wrong, you go on without me"

"Alright" Jared agrees and continues on crossing the stone walkway to the back sliding doors, then walking in.

I slowly walk over to the apple tree making as little noise as possible not wanting to startle her, she already seems alittle unhinged. I walk to her side but she doesn't acknowledge my presense.

"Christy?" I speak softly but get no response. She stays in a trance like state starring out into the distance. I step into her view and call her name again this time she blinks and leans back in surprise as if I had just teleported infront of her.

"James?"she says in a whisper looking up at me confused.

"What's going on, are you ok?" she shakes head no coming back to herself and I can see water build in her blue eyes.

"I heard the screams and came out side. Then I saw the men bleeding and convulsing ....He did this. I know it, I feel it". Her voice is laced with devastation and betrayal.

"Who did what Christy?"

"My mat-" She cuts her words off abruptly clearing her throat and wiping at tears."My-my instincts say it has something to do with that white wolf." Her recovery wasn't as smooth as she thought it was. I heard her slip up, was she about to say mate?

Losing Her Mate (Book 2 of The Red Dawn Trilogy )Where stories live. Discover now