How You're Both Dealing With It {Part II}

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Jay's POV

Well, I hurt all over. Y/n's brothers really let me have it-not that I didn't deserve some of that. If there's one thing my relationship with Nya taught me, it's that I can't pretend to be something I'm not to get someone to like me. But that's exactly what I just did. If I was y/n, I'd hate me too.

Now the y/n hates me for life, I've been trying to patch things up with Kai and Cole. That's not going so well either. I-wait a minute! Why didn't I think of this before? I can talk to b/f/n and ask her to help me to explain to y/n! I'm a genius!

Your POV

"Oh, come on, y/n, snap out of it! You weren't even officially his girlfriend!" You finally worked up the energy to call b/f/n and tell her about what happened with Jay. B/f/n is trying to convince you to at least listen to Jay's explanation.

"You don't know what he did, b/f/n! He told me she broke up with him, then went behind my back with her! And besides, we were dating and everything!"

B/f/n is quiet for a minute. "Ooookaaay...that's pretty bad. But you could have at least tried to hear him out."

"To quote Shakespeare's Hamlet, act three, scene three, line eighty-seven: no."

B/f/n sighs. "And this is what I get for making friends with a literature nerd."

You manage a weak grin. "Just wait until I start pulling out insults."

"Y/n, I'm trying to actually sit down and be serious. If you start speaking shake-weirdian-"


"Whatever. My point is, you're gonna make me laugh."

You sigh. "Seriously, though, b/f/n. He already knows that my last boyfriend basically dumped me for somebody else, and then he does the exact same thing. You can't tell me there's a good excuse for that."

Finally, b/f/n sighs. "You know what? You're right. That is the most inexcusable thing I've ever heard of."

"Told you."

"Uh, y/n, can I put you on hold for a minute? There's somebody at the door...oh, and by the way, what's a really good Shake-weirdian insult to use while you're hitting somebody?"

"Shakespearean. And try, 'Scoundrel. Fustillarian. I'll tickle your catastrophe.'"

"Thanks. I'll be right back."

Jay's POV

Okay, in hindsight, trying to talk to b/f/n was a bad idea. And apparently I'm a 'fustillarian,' whatever that is. I was a little too busy defending myself from b/f/n to ask what it meant. Y/n wasn't kidding when she described b/f/n as a hyperactive ball of energy. If I never have to face an angry hyperactive ball of energy again, it'll be too soon. I have bruises in places I didn't know I had.

I can only think of one more way to contact y/n: Perfect Match. If I message her and she doesn't reply, I'll have to give up. Here goes nothing...

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